Using PharoCloud: 500 Internal Server Error (nginx)

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Using PharoCloud: 500 Internal Server Error (nginx)

Juraj Kubelka

I am playing for the first time with PharoCloud. I do the following steps:

- download Pharo 6 image
- open the image and execute `ZnServer startDefaultOn: 8080`
- tests http://localhost:8080 (I see Zinc welcome message)
- save and quit the image and compress the image and changes
- login to PharoCloud using Pharo Association account 
- upload the ZIP archive with Pharo image and changes using PharoCloud Ephemeric Manager v3.0 web interface
- set expose ports to 8080 and submit the configuration
- activate the image, it asks me to login again (and I login with Pharo Association account)
- the image is active (green circle)
- click on its hostname and I see 500 Internal Server Error (nginx) instead of the welcome message

Is it suppose to work? Do I miss something? 
