Using Roassal and Spec

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Using Roassal and Spec


How can I embed a Roassal visualization in Spec? There is the package Roassal2Spec, but since it does not contains any documentation or example, hard to use it :-)

Johan, an hello world example please :-)

Alexandre Bergel

Moose-dev mailing list
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Re: Using Roassal and Spec

Peter Uhnak
Hi Alex,

You use RoassalModel just like a regular ComposableModel (which it is subclass of) and then use methods #script: [ :view :canvas | ] to fill in your visualization. (And use #refresh or something, but I am triggering updates manually).

So for example

ui := DynamicComposableModel new.
ui instantiateModels: #(
button ButtonModel
view RoassalModel

ui button label: 'I am a button'.
ui extent: 600 @ 480.

ui view script: [ :view :canvas |
es := RTEllipse new size: 20; elementsOn: (1 to: 6).
view addAll: es.
RTCircleLayout on: es.
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: view;
elements: es;
connectToAll: [ :value | { value + 1. (value + 1) % 6 } ].
canvas camera focusOnCenter.

layout := SpecLayout composed
newColumn: [ :col |
add: #button height: ComposableModel toolbarHeight;
add: #view.

ui openWithSpecLayout: layout.

If you use ComposableModel (as you should), you just move it to methods as appropriate (#initializeWidgets, #initializePresenters, etc...)

You can also look at Johan's LRP

(or DynaCASE, but our usage of RoassalModel is quite complex so it's _not_ a good example).

I believe Johan was working on an example.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:

How can I embed a Roassal visualization in Spec? There is the package Roassal2Spec, but since it does not contains any documentation or example, hard to use it :-)

Johan, an hello world example please :-)

Alexandre Bergel

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: Using Roassal and Spec

Thanks Peter!!!


> On Jul 21, 2015, at 5:09 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> You use RoassalModel just like a regular ComposableModel (which it is subclass of) and then use methods #script: [ :view :canvas | ] to fill in your visualization. (And use #refresh or something, but I am triggering updates manually).
> So for example
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ui := DynamicComposableModel new.
> ui instantiateModels: #(
> button ButtonModel
> view RoassalModel
> ).
> ui button label: 'I am a button'.
> ui extent: 600 @ 480.
> ui view script: [ :view :canvas |
> |es|
> es := RTEllipse new size: 20; elementsOn: (1 to: 6).
> view addAll: es.
> RTCircleLayout on: es.
> RTEdgeBuilder new
> view: view;
> elements: es;
> connectToAll: [ :value | { value + 1. (value + 1) % 6 } ].
> canvas camera focusOnCenter.
> ].
> layout := SpecLayout composed
> newColumn: [ :col |
> col
> add: #button height: ComposableModel toolbarHeight;
> add: #view.
> ];
> yourself.
> ui openWithSpecLayout: layout.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> If you use ComposableModel (as you should), you just move it to methods as appropriate (#initializeWidgets, #initializePresenters, etc...)
> You can also look at Johan's LRP
> (or DynaCASE, but our usage of RoassalModel is quite complex so it's _not_ a good example).
> I believe Johan was working on an example.
> Peter
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi!
> How can I embed a Roassal visualization in Spec? There is the package Roassal2Spec, but since it does not contains any documentation or example, hard to use it :-)
> Johan, an hello world example please :-)
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
> --
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
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Alexandre Bergel

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