Using Roassal as part of a Glamour-based UI

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Using Roassal as part of a Glamour-based UI

Stephan Eggermont-3

I tried using a Roassal painting as a card-based layout for a glamour UI, but
don't have too much luck updating it.
The self refresh sends the CPRefresh, and the painting is updated, but all
nodes are on top of each other. Related to issue 808?
(Roassal 383, Glamour-Roassal-Presentations 7)

        browser := GLMTabulator new.
        browser row: #content;
                title: 'Change Patterns'.
        browser transmit to: #content; andShow: [:a|
                a roassal
                        title: 'Patterns';
                        updateOn: CPRefresh from: self announcer;
                        painting: [:view :patternHolder | |paintingBlock|
                                paintingBlock := [

                                view shape
                                        width: [:el | 180];
                                        height: [:el| 80];
                                        fillColor: [:aPattern | aPattern applicable ifTrue: [Color r: 1.0 g: 1.0 b: 0.8] ifFalse: [Color red]].
                                view nodes: patternHolder patterns forEach: [:aPattern |
                                        view interaction
                                                item: 'inspect' action: [:el | aPattern switchApplicable. view raw elementsDo: #remove. self refresh].
                                        view shape label.
                                        view nodes: (Array with: aPattern title with: aPattern applicable asString).
                                        view verticalLineLayout ].
                                view gridLayout].
                                view interaction
                                        item: 'inspect' action: [:el | el model inspect];
                                        item: 'switch applicable' action: [:el | el model switchApplicable.  view raw elementsDo: #remove.
                                                paintingBlock value. self refresh].
                                paintingBlock value.


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Re: Using Roassal as part of a Glamour-based UI

Tudor Girba-2
This is a bug.

I opened an issue:


On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:48 AM, Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried using a Roassal painting as a card-based layout for a glamour UI, but
don't have too much luck updating it.
The self refresh sends the CPRefresh, and the painting is updated, but all
nodes are on top of each other. Related to issue 808?
(Roassal 383, Glamour-Roassal-Presentations 7)

        browser := GLMTabulator new.
        browser row: #content;
                title: 'Change Patterns'.
        browser transmit to: #content; andShow: [:a|
                a roassal
                        title: 'Patterns';
                        updateOn: CPRefresh from: self announcer;
                        painting: [:view :patternHolder | |paintingBlock|
                                paintingBlock := [

                                view shape
                                        width: [:el | 180];
                                        height: [:el| 80];
                                        fillColor: [:aPattern | aPattern applicable ifTrue: [Color r: 1.0 g: 1.0 b: 0.8] ifFalse: [Color red]].
                                view nodes: patternHolder patterns forEach: [:aPattern |
                                        view interaction
                                                item: 'inspect' action: [:el | aPattern switchApplicable. view raw elementsDo: #remove. self refresh].
                                        view shape label.
                                        view nodes: (Array with: aPattern title with: aPattern applicable asString).
                                        view verticalLineLayout ].
                                view gridLayout].
                                view interaction
                                        item: 'inspect' action: [:el | el model inspect];
                                        item: 'switch applicable' action: [:el | el model switchApplicable.  view raw elementsDo: #remove.
                                                paintingBlock value. self refresh].
                                paintingBlock value.


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