Using ZnEasy getPng: with an octet-stream

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Using ZnEasy getPng: with an octet-stream

Andy Burnett
Next step of my Asana adventure.

In a browser

downloads a png.

When I try ZnEasy getPng: with the same address, I get a walkback saying expected image/png actual application/octet-stream.

Is it possible to handle this with ZnEasy, or do I have to use the ZnClient and handle the stream first?


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Re: Using ZnEasy getPng: with an octet-stream

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

> On 28 Aug 2018, at 00:41, Andy Burnett <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Next step of my Asana adventure.
> In a browser
> downloads a png.
> When I try ZnEasy getPng: with the same address, I get a walkback saying expected image/png actual application/octet-stream.

In AWS S3 you have to set the correct mime-type when you upload a file, this can also be changed afterwards. If not, it remains binary (application/octet-stream).

It is possible to derive mime-types from extensions, though that is not perfect. See ZnMimeType class>>#forFilenameExtension:

> Is it possible to handle this with ZnEasy,

Not as it is today.

> or do I have to use the ZnClient and handle the stream first?

Yes, get the bytes and create the Form yourself.

> Cheers
> Andy