Using a link (http GET) in VisualWave

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Using a link (http GET) in VisualWave

Steve Mulligan
HI There,
I'm new to VisualWave and I am trying to do something that is pretty common in the Perl/CGI world but I can't figure out how to do it in Smalltalk.
Basically, I want to display a list of records on a screen represented by an HTML href's.  When the user clicks on the link, I want to display more details about this record.  I can get it working with a button, but I'm not sure how to do this with a link.  When I tried to pass a parameter such as 'id=1' I got a walkback saying the message id=1 was not understood.  Is there a way to do this in VisualWave?
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Re: Using a link (http GET) in VisualWave

Alan Knight-2
At 04:29 PM 11/13/2006, Steve Mulligan wrote:
HI There,
I'm new to VisualWave and I am trying to do something that is pretty common in the Perl/CGI world but I can't figure out how to do it in Smalltalk.
Basically, I want to display a list of records on a screen represented by an HTML href's.  When the user clicks on the link, I want to display more details about this record.  I can get it working with a button, but I'm not sure how to do this with a link.  When I tried to pass a parameter such as 'id=1' I got a walkback saying the message id=1 was not understood.  Is there a way to do this in VisualWave?

I'm not quite sure how you're trying to do this that's causing problems. In a pure VisualWave application (by which I mean, just a VisualWorks GUI, that's automatically being translated into web pages, with initial URLs of the form .../launch/ClassName) then it should just work. You write it as if the user were clicking on the list, and the web page updates. I like to use a nicely recursive example of that, by using ../launch/ServerConsole. At which point you get the server console for administering the web server as a web page. Not everything works on it, but it certainly has a list.

Or are you doing something else? I'm not sure how you mean that you're trying to pass the parameter.

Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development

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