Using an autocompleter for finding a class

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Using an autocompleter for finding a class

Levente Uzonyi-2

I uploaded a new version of the Tools package to the Inbox (Tools-ul.283).
It replaces the old behavior of the "find class" function of the Browser
to use the fancy ListChooser for autocompletion (in Morphic). This is a
lot more user friendly.
The reason why it's in the Inbox and not in the Trunk is that it has an
unwanted side effect. In an MVC Browser it's very hard to find a class,
because you'll get a list with all classes to choose from. That means a
menu with a lot of pages where you can only go forward and by one page at
a time. So selecting e.g. SmallInteger takes a lot of time.

I see the following solutions to this problem:
- ignore it, because noone is using MVC for developement (?)
- provide the old way for MVC using #isMorphic checks or an
   equivalent dispatcher
- implement an autocompleter for MVC

What do you think?
