Using 'anchor' to point to an already loaded component

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Using 'anchor' to point to an already loaded component

Hi all,

Let's say I have a header on the website with a link "Home".  Now,
obviously, I want this "Home" to point to the root of the application.
How can I do this?

Doing the following, certainly -as I've already tried it- will cause an
infinite recursion :-)

  h anchor
    callback: [ self parent content: self parent ];
    with:  'Home'.

Bahman Movaqar  (

ERP Evaluation, Implementation & Deployment Consultant
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Re: Using 'anchor' to point to an already loaded component

Philippe Marschall
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Bahman Movaqar <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Let's say I have a header on the website with a link "Home".  Now,
> obviously, I want this "Home" to point to the root of the application.
> How can I do this?
> Doing the following, certainly -as I've already tried it- will cause an
> infinite recursion :-)
> <code>
>   h anchor
>     callback: [ self parent content: self parent ];
>     with:  'Home'.
> </code>

There is no generic way to do this. Normally your application is
divided into at least three components. A root component with contains
a menu component and a "content component". The menu component
"somehow" sets the "content component" (sometimes the menu is also
rendered by the root component)

root component
 - menu
 - content

Somehow the component containing the component that should change
needs to be notified.

If you have access to the root component you can also try this:

rootComponent call: rootComponent class new

But before you write code like this:

self parent parent parent parent content: Home new

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