Using cookies session does not work in IE

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Using cookies session does not work in IE

My application uses the following:

     app preferenceAt: #useCookies put: true.

In staging/production I use Nginx and Proxy Pass all the requests to my
Seaside app:

   location / {
      proxy_pass http://localhost:9999/myApplication/;

This work fine on every browser (even Firefox2 in winXP) but not on
IE8+WinXP. If I click on a link with a callback, nothing happens.

It works fine in development when I access directly the seaside app
(even with IE8 !)

Thanks !


ps: If that help, here's the header caught with a custom session:

a Dictionary('accept'->'*/*'
'accept-encoding'->'gzip, deflate'
'authorization'->'Basic ZnN0ZXBoYW55OmVnbW9udG9pcw=='
'user-agent'->'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1;
Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)' )

BE: +32 (0)65 709 131
CA: +1 778 558 3225
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Re: Using cookies session does not work in IE

Oops I forgot to mention that the app is on a subdomain.

On 11/01/12 15:31, Francois Stephany wrote:

> My application uses the following:
> app preferenceAt: #useCookies put: true.
> In staging/production I use Nginx and Proxy Pass all the requests to my
> Seaside app:
> location / {
> proxy_pass http://localhost:9999/myApplication/;
> }
> This work fine on every browser (even Firefox2 in winXP) but not on
> IE8+WinXP. If I click on a link with a callback, nothing happens.
> It works fine in development when I access directly the seaside app
> (even with IE8 !)
> Thanks !
> Francois
> ps: If that help, here's the header caught with a custom session:
> a Dictionary('accept'->'*/*'
> 'accept-encoding'->'gzip, deflate'
> 'authorization'->'Basic ZnN0ZXBoYW55OmVnbW9udG9pcw=='
> 'connection'->'close'
> 'cookie'->'__utmc=131622477;
> __utma=131622477.1620519184.1326319543.1326319543.1326319543.1;
> __utmb=131622477.11.10.1326319543;
> __utmz=131622477.1326319543.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none);
> _s=G0-8HHDSeU23HvE_'
> 'host'->'localhost:9999'
> 'user-agent'->'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1;
> Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)' )

BE: +32 (0)65 709 131
CA: +1 778 558 3225
seaside mailing list
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