What is a good way to have a SortedCollection update the position of a
single item if it is edited such that an aspect relevant to the sort order changes? For example say I have a SortedCollection of Recipe objects sorted by their time stamp. Now lets say that I edit one, and its time stamp changes. Obviously the sorted collection does not know anything has changed. What I did in the past was to send the reSort message. However that is a private message (I wonder if it should be), and I wonder if there is a more elegant approach (or if there is not, then if there should be one)? Fundamentally it is a remove followed by an add, or it could be a more low-level swap. This seems like a common enough thing that there should be a good way to do it. Any thoughts? Chris |
"Christopher J. Demers" <[hidden email]> wrote in
message news:atos3i$18ac5$[hidden email]... > What is a good way to have a SortedCollection update the position of a > single item if it is edited such that an aspect relevant to the sort order > changes? > > For example say I have a SortedCollection of Recipe objects sorted by their > time stamp. Now lets say that I edit one, and its time stamp changes. > Obviously the sorted collection does not know anything has changed. What I > did in the past was to send the reSort message. However that is a private > message (I wonder if it should be), and I wonder if there is a more elegant > approach (or if there is not, then if there should be one)? Fundamentally > it is a remove followed by an add, or it could be a more low-level swap. > > This seems like a common enough thing that there should be a good way to do > it. Any thoughts? #reSort has been made public by the patch for #1093: "SortedCollection's are resorted on load from STB, providing a window of opportunity to run malicious code even when just loading data." Also enhancement #266: "Improve worst case quick sort performance (collection already sorted with many equal elements", means that #reSort on a collection that is already mostly sorted should now be very fast. Regards Blair -------------------------- "#266"! !SortedCollection methodsFor! quicksortFrom: start to: stop "Private - Sort elements start through stop of self to be non-descending according to sortBlock. Note that this is not a stable sort, so any current ordering will be lost." "Implementation Note: This is a part iterative, part recursive, Quicksort implementation based on that from 'Numerical Recipes in C', Press, Teukolsky, et al.. It is marginally faster (about 5-15%) on average than the traditional Smalltalk-80 sort, which also seems to be some kind of modified quicksort, and about twice as fast in some cases. In particular it exhibits better performance when used in conjunction with a #<= comparison, e.g. the default sort block, especially when the collection is already sorted." | up lo | up := stop. lo := start. [up - lo > 5] whileTrue: ["Choose median and arrange so [lo+1] <= [lo] <= [up]" | i j k m temp a | k := lo + up bitShift: -1. m := lo + 1. temp := self basicAt: k. self basicAt: k put: (self basicAt: m). self basicAt: m put: temp. (sortBlock value: (self basicAt: up) value: temp) ifTrue: [self basicAt: m put: (self basicAt: up). self basicAt: up put: temp]. (sortBlock value: (self basicAt: up) value: (self basicAt: lo)) ifTrue: [temp := self basicAt: up. self basicAt: up put: (self basicAt: lo). self basicAt: lo put: temp]. (sortBlock value: (self basicAt: lo) value: (self basicAt: m)) ifTrue: [temp := self basicAt: lo. self basicAt: lo put: (self basicAt: m). self basicAt: m put: temp]. "Partition...(note we must test that i and j remain in bounds because the sort block may use <= or >=." i := m. "i.e. start from lo+2" j := up. "i.e. start from up-1" a := self basicAt: lo. [[i < j and: [sortBlock value: (self basicAt: (i := i + 1)) value: a]] whileTrue. [j >= i and: [sortBlock value: a value: (self basicAt: (j := j - 1))]] whileTrue. j < i] whileFalse: [temp := self basicAt: i. self basicAt: i put: (self basicAt: j). self basicAt: j put: temp]. "Insert partitioning element" self basicAt: lo put: (self basicAt: j). self basicAt: j put: a. "Skip sort-equal elements to speed up worst cases - suggested by John Brant" [(j := j - 1) > lo and: [sortBlock value: a value: (self basicAt: j)]] whileTrue. "Recursively sort smaller sub-interval and process larger remainder on the next loop iteration" up - i < (j - lo) ifTrue: [self quicksortFrom: i to: up. up := j] ifFalse: [self quicksortFrom: lo to: j. lo := i]]. "When interval size drops below threshold perform an insertion sort (quicker for small numbers of elements)" ^self insertsortFrom: lo to: up! ! !SortedCollection categoriesFor: #quicksortFrom:to:!algorithms!private! ! "#1093"! !STBSortedCollectionProxy methodsFor! value "Answer a new SortedCollection with elements, array, and sort block, sortBlock." "Implementation Note: The collection is assumed to be sorted in the correct order, so the sort block is not evaluated at all. This modification for 5.02 makes it safe to at least load an STB file containing a SortedCollection. Previously if the sortBlock contained malicious code, then that code would be run purely as a result of realizing the content of the STB. This does mean that potentially a SortedCollection may not be correctly sorted if the sort criteria differ for some reason between the source image and the destination image. Where this is possible the application must explicitly #reSort the collection." ^(class new: array size) sortBlock: sortBlock; addAllWithoutSorting: array; yourself! ! !STBSortedCollectionProxy categoriesFor: #value!converting!public! ! !SortedCollection methodsFor! addAllWithoutSorting: aCollection "Append the elements of the <collection> argument to the receiver without doing any sorting. Answer aCollection." self makeRoomAtEndFor: aCollection size. aCollection do: [:each | lastIndex := lastIndex + 1. self basicAt: lastIndex put: each]. ^aCollection! addAll: aCollection "Include all the elements of the <collection> argument as elements of the receiver. Answer aCollection." aCollection size > (self size // 3) ifTrue: [self addAllWithoutSorting: aCollection. self reSort] ifFalse: [aCollection do: [:each | self add: each]]. ^aCollection! ! !SortedCollection categoriesFor: #addAllWithoutSorting:!adding!public! ! !SortedCollection categoriesFor: #addAll:!adding!public! ! !SortedCollection categoriesFor: #reSort!operations!public! ! |
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