VA 7.52 AIX: System exit causes a core dump

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VA 7.52 AIX: System exit causes a core dump


as descriped above I was trying to customize my TerminateMessage, which worked fine. The problem is that sending the SIGTERM signal (kill PID) creates a core dump when terminating the application.
When I send the SIGKILL signal (kill -9 PID) instead, no core dump will be created.
I am new to Smalltalk and AIX and not sure why this happens. Does anyone have an idea?


Best regards,

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VA 7.52 AIX: System exit causes a core dump

Seth Berman
Greetings Shanna,

First of all, a very warm welcome.

We (Instantiations) would be happy to assist with this issue. If I had an answer for you off the top of my head, I would just let you know here, but this issue would require engineering time on our part to figure out.

If you are working for a supported customer and would like our help, please contact our support engineers at [hidden email].

Otherwise, we can wait and see if others have some ideas for you.

Kind Regards,

- Seth

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Re: VA 7.52 AIX: System exit causes a core dump

Hi Seth,

thanks for your reply. I was already able to solve the problem by using System>>primitiveExit instead of System>>exit..

Kind regards,

On Friday, September 14, 2018 at 10:00:27 AM UTC+2, Seth Berman wrote:
Greetings Shanna,

First of all, a very warm welcome.

We (Instantiations) would be happy to assist with this issue. If I had an answer for you off the top of my head, I would just let you know here, but this issue would require engineering time on our part to figure out.

If you are working for a supported customer and would like our help, please contact our support engineers at <a onmousedown="this.href=&#39;javascript:&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;javascript:&#39;;return true;" href="javascript:" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" gdf-obfuscated-mailto="DQQr2BReCAAJ">sup...@....

Otherwise, we can wait and see if others have some ideas for you.

Kind Regards,

- Seth

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