VA 7.52: Allocating Byte Array of 67kB failes

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VA 7.52: Allocating Byte Array of 67kB failes


while executing my program under AIX (does not happen under Windows) I'll get following Error:

  receiver = Exception: (ExError) An error has occurred.
  arg1 = 'Primitive failed in: Behavior>>#new: due to Not enough memory'
ByteArray class(Object)>>#error:  receiver = ByteArray
  arg1 = 'Primitive failed in: Behavior>>#new: due to Not enough memory'
ByteArray class(Object)>>#primitiveFailed:withArgument:backUp:
  receiver = ByteArray
  arg1 = 12
  arg2 = -1
  arg3 = 1
ByteArray class(Object)>>#primitiveFailed
  receiver = ByteArray
ByteArray class(Behavior)>>#new:
  receiver = ByteArray
  arg1 = 67037
AbtForeignOSObject class(OSPtr class)>>#new:
  receiver = AbtForeignOSObject
  arg1 = 67037
  receiver = Could not print receiver
  receiver = Could not print receiver
  receiver = Could not print receiver
  receiver = an AbtIbmCliCursor

I checked the available new space memory, which is 1,9 kB. Even after garbage collection there is only 6,4 kB of free new space memory.

Is there any way to increase the VM's memory?


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Re: VA 7.52: Allocating Byte Array of 67kB failes

Louis LaBrunda
Hi Shanna,

Off the top of my head I think the VM option is: -mn 1000000.  Hopefully someone will confirm or you can just give it a try.


On Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 11:55:18 AM UTC-4, [hidden email] wrote:

while executing my program under AIX (does not happen under Windows) I'll get following Error:

  receiver = Exception: (ExError) An error has occurred.
  arg1 = 'Primitive failed in: Behavior>>#new: due to Not enough memory'
ByteArray class(Object)>>#error:  receiver = ByteArray
  arg1 = 'Primitive failed in: Behavior>>#new: due to Not enough memory'
ByteArray class(Object)>>#primitiveFailed:withArgument:backUp:
  receiver = ByteArray
  arg1 = 12
  arg2 = -1
  arg3 = 1
ByteArray class(Object)>>#primitiveFailed
  receiver = ByteArray
ByteArray class(Behavior)>>#new:
  receiver = ByteArray
  arg1 = 67037
AbtForeignOSObject class(OSPtr class)>>#new:
  receiver = AbtForeignOSObject
  arg1 = 67037
  receiver = Could not print receiver
  receiver = Could not print receiver
  receiver = Could not print receiver
  receiver = an AbtIbmCliCursor

I checked the available new space memory, which is 1,9 kB. Even after garbage collection there is only 6,4 kB of free new space memory.

Is there any way to increase the VM's memory?


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Re: VA 7.52: Allocating Byte Array of 67kB failes

Mariano Martinez Peck-2
Aside from Louis answer which I think it's correct you can also play with these settings from the .ini (see bold)

[VM Options]
; Set the NewSpace size to 2MB.  Comment out the line to use the default of 256KB.

; Set the initial OldSpace size to what you believe is the steady-state object memory
; requirements of your application.  Since this parameter is application dependent, a
; suggested value of 20MB is provided, but it is commented out so that the actual image
; size is used.

; Set the memory allocation increment to a small divisor (less than 10) of your
; steady-state OldSpace size.  Since this parameter is application dependent, a
; suggested value of 4MB is provided, but it is commented out so that the default
; increment of 2MB is used.

; Set the minimum size of free object memory after a garbage collection.  The larger
; this value is, the less frequently garbage collection will be required (at the
; trade-off of some "wasted" memory).  Since this parameter is application dependent,
; a suggested value of 2MB (1/2 the memory allocation increment) is provided, but it
; is commented out so that the default free size of 500KB is used.

Does that help?

On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 1:11 PM Louis LaBrunda <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Shanna,

Off the top of my head I think the VM option is: -mn 1000000.  Hopefully someone will confirm or you can just give it a try.


On Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 11:55:18 AM UTC-4, [hidden email] wrote:

while executing my program under AIX (does not happen under Windows) I'll get following Error:

  receiver = Exception: (ExError) An error has occurred.
  arg1 = 'Primitive failed in: Behavior>>#new: due to Not enough memory'
ByteArray class(Object)>>#error:  receiver = ByteArray
  arg1 = 'Primitive failed in: Behavior>>#new: due to Not enough memory'
ByteArray class(Object)>>#primitiveFailed:withArgument:backUp:
  receiver = ByteArray
  arg1 = 12
  arg2 = -1
  arg3 = 1
ByteArray class(Object)>>#primitiveFailed
  receiver = ByteArray
ByteArray class(Behavior)>>#new:
  receiver = ByteArray
  arg1 = 67037
AbtForeignOSObject class(OSPtr class)>>#new:
  receiver = AbtForeignOSObject
  arg1 = 67037
  receiver = Could not print receiver
  receiver = Could not print receiver
  receiver = Could not print receiver
  receiver = an AbtIbmCliCursor

I checked the available new space memory, which is 1,9 kB. Even after garbage collection there is only 6,4 kB of free new space memory.

Is there any way to increase the VM's memory?


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Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.
[hidden email]

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Re: VA 7.52: Allocating Byte Array of 67kB failes

In reply to this post by shanna.bastkowski

Thank you! -mn 1000000 has worked for me :)

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