New Windows and Linux testing sandboxes have been updated to our latest development build.
Go to to download.
This is a major update that is bringing in a lot of new features/enhancements to preview.
I'll provide a general overview of major feature areas we have been working on and are available in ECAP build 403
LDAP Support
- Supports OpenLDAP on Windows and Linux
- Supports Windows LDAP API on Windows
- Now a feature in VA ((System Transcript Menu -> Tools -> Load/Unload Features -> ST: LDAP Support)
Regex Support
- Official support for the excellent port of Regex in VastGoodies
- Now a feature in VA ((System Transcript Menu -> Tools -> Load/Unload Features -> ST: Regex... )
JSON Support
- Official support for the excellent NeoJSON project
- Now a feature in VA (System Transcript Menu -> Tools -> Load/Unload Features -> ST: JSON Support)
UUID Support
- Support for generating version 3, version 4, version 5 UUIDs
- Used crypto for high quality version 4 UUIDs with a focus on doing this performantly
- Load Cryptography feature and @see EsUUIDApp
Abt Code Page Converter rework
- Substantial fixes that really improves all aspects of code page conversion on both Windows and Linux
- New policy object (AbtCodePageConversionPolicy) to give users more control over how conversion is done
- fixed dealing with embedded null chars
- fixed UTF-8 BOM when decoding (see policy object)
- Now Grease UTF8 codecs use enhanced abt code page converter directly which fixes a bunch of issues
Compression Framework Update
- Unified compression read/write streams API
- Very high performant double-buffered codec abstract stream
- Concrete compression streams only need a handful of methods to make them streamable
- LZ4 Compression: New compression library binding to LZ4 compression algorithm and read/write streams
- In-Memory ZIP: A zip archive can now be read or written in a streaming fashion without the need for the filesystem (ZipReadStream/ZipWriteStream). STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS
- ByteArrays and Strings can compress/decompress APIs. @see methods inflate/deflate, gzipCompress/gzipDecompress, lz4compress/lz4Decompress
New String>>#match: implementation
- New (well-behaved) implementation in EsString. The old impl would stack-overflow on large string with * patterns and also was hard on the GC
- New #match:ignoreCase:, New #matchPatternFrom in:from ignoreCase:
- String>>#match: is now a prim performance is incredible for it now. For example, searching for strings in the image takes half as long now
Browsers and Editors
- New Dark and Solarized themes
- New implementations for implementors/senders/references in editors that use lexer based algorithms instead of parse tree and stream parsing algorithms which really improves these searches
- Implementors/Senders of method names with capital letters can now be found
- Mastering ENVY/Developer ScriptManager works with Scintilla now
- Application Manager supports "Sort Needing Versioning First" so that open editions show at the top of the application names pane (application names menu -> View -> Sort Needing Versioning First)
- New keybindings to browse references/hierarchy/implementors/senders. (see shortcut list in browser top menu -> Edit -> Browser References and friends)
- SUnit Test hooks added to browers for methods, class, applications...For example, right-click an SUnit Test Application and select "Test Application". The same can be done for test methods and test classes
- SUnit deals better with expected failure and unexpected passes
- SUnit can print results to the transcript
- New ways to specify tests to skip
- SUnit Test hooks added to browers for methods, class, applications...For example, right-click an SUnit Test Application and select "Test Application". The same can be done for test methods and test classes
Linux 64-bit
- Newer Motif bindings which solves lots of problems with keyboard shortcuts like copy/paste and mousewheel scrolling
- Code completion fixed
- Enhanced File Dialog
- Enhanced L&F
- Fixed Menu popup flickering and having to request the menu twice
- Enhanced widgets used in StsDebugger
- Fixed enhanced list widget color prompter
- Binaries now compiled with Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
OpenSSL 1.1.1 Support
- TLS 1.3, SHA3 hash, ARIA AEAH Cipher, SM3, SM4 hash functions...
Monticello Importer
- Lots of fixes relevant to both Windows and Linux in the areas of parsing comment, line endings
- Improving how apps and subapps are create
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