VAST 2021 (10.0.1) Now Available!

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VAST 2021 (10.0.1) Now Available!

Mariano Martinez Peck-2
Greetings all,

Just wanted to send this quick email to let you all know that VAST 2021 10.0.1 has been released. In below links you can find all the information:



Mariano Martinez Peck

Senior Software Engineer

 [hidden email]
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Re: VAST 2021 (10.0.1) Now Available!

Louis LaBrunda
Hi Mariano,

Congrats to everyone at Instantiations on the new release.

I currently have many of my applications on version 10.0.0.  Normally I would install the new version and import my stuff into it.  Since versions 10.0.0 and 10.0.1 are so close (at least they are close in version number and time)
I'm wondering if it would be smart to go in the other direction.  Meaning keep 10.0.0 and import 10.0.1 into it.

How it this done?  Do the DLLs and other files like NLS and time zones get updated automatically?  Thanks for any and all suggestions.


On Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 7:51:08 AM UTC-4 [hidden email] wrote:
Greetings all,

Just wanted to send this quick email to let you all know that VAST 2021 10.0.1 has been released. In below links you can find all the information:



Mariano Martinez Peck

Senior Software Engineer

 [hidden email]
TwitterLinkedInVAST Community

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Re: VAST 2021 (10.0.1) Now Available!

Mariano Martinez Peck-2
Hi Louis,

My advice would be to keep doing what you normally do, that is, "Normally I would install the new version and import my stuff into it."


On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 9:17 AM Louis LaBrunda <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Mariano,

Congrats to everyone at Instantiations on the new release.

I currently have many of my applications on version 10.0.0.  Normally I would install the new version and import my stuff into it.  Since versions 10.0.0 and 10.0.1 are so close (at least they are close in version number and time)
I'm wondering if it would be smart to go in the other direction.  Meaning keep 10.0.0 and import 10.0.1 into it.

How it this done?  Do the DLLs and other files like NLS and time zones get updated automatically?  Thanks for any and all suggestions.


On Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 7:51:08 AM UTC-4 [hidden email] wrote:
Greetings all,

Just wanted to send this quick email to let you all know that VAST 2021 10.0.1 has been released. In below links you can find all the information:



Mariano Martinez Peck

Senior Software Engineer

 [hidden email]
TwitterLinkedInVAST Community

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Mariano Martinez Peck

Senior Software Engineer

 [hidden email]
TwitterLinkedInVAST Community

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