VAST 9.0, 64-bit, Oracle, Timestamp

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VAST 9.0, 64-bit, Oracle, Timestamp

Hermann Ottens
Hi group,

is it possible, that the method
is incorrect under 64-Bit-VASmalltalk?

I'm using the following script (database programming guide)

| conSpec connection querySpec resultCollection |
conSpec := AbtDatabaseConnectionSpec
     forDbmClass: #AbtOracle10DatabaseManager
     databaseName: '.....'.
connection := conSpec connect.
resultCollection := OrderedCollection new.
querySpec := (AbtQuerySpec new)
      statement: 'SELECT * FROM ....'.
(connection resultTableFromQuerySpec: querySpec)
    do: [:eachRow | resultCollection add: eachRow asString].
ensure: [connection disconnect].
resultCollection inspect.

and i'm getting a Primitive failed in PlatformFunction>>callWithArguments:... due to GPF
The database table contains a column with type timestamp.
If i change the aforementioned method to return 8 instead of 4, it runs successfully.

Has anybody experienced the same problem?


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Re: VAST 9.0, 64-bit, Oracle, Timestamp

Bob Brodd
Hi Hermann,

I am able to duplicate this error on the x64 platform so I will open a case on this issue.  I'll be in touch when we have a fix for it.

Bob Brodd

On Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 11:33:59 AM UTC-4, Hermann Ottens wrote:
Hi group,

is it possible, that the method
is incorrect under 64-Bit-VASmalltalk?

I'm using the following script (database programming guide)

| conSpec connection querySpec resultCollection |
conSpec := AbtDatabaseConnectionSpec
     forDbmClass: #AbtOracle10DatabaseManager
     databaseName: '.....'.
connection := conSpec connect.
resultCollection := OrderedCollection new.
querySpec := (AbtQuerySpec new)
      statement: 'SELECT * FROM ....'.
(connection resultTableFromQuerySpec: querySpec)
    do: [:eachRow | resultCollection add: eachRow asString].
ensure: [connection disconnect].
resultCollection inspect.

and i'm getting a Primitive failed in PlatformFunction>>callWithArguments:... due to GPF
The database table contains a column with type timestamp.
If i change the aforementioned method to return 8 instead of 4, it runs successfully.

Has anybody experienced the same problem?


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