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question =
'Can Pharo run with a VHI (Very Huge Image)?
on my Intel i5 Windows7 64-bit 2GB machine
Pharo reports with the "space left" command:
7,802,896 bytes (internal)
468,402,192 bytes (physical)
468,402,192 bytes (total)
What is in this context: internal and physical?
Is this the maximum size of the image on
any machine (mine is 2 GB) or does it increase?
E.g. is it four times larger if I have 16 GB?
What is the maximum image space of Pharo as it is now?
theoretically only limited to the address range?
64-bit machines, e.g. an Intel i5 CPU, can handle address range of
2 raisedTo: 64 = 18446744073709551616 bytes
That is astronomical, we won't need all that.
Anyway, for my Intel i5 661 processor the limit is 16 GB.
Waiting for processors with larger memory access..
Suppose a CPU can handle a memory of 2 Terabytes
and we would need such a large image
(all the company's logic and data lives in there)
If all the pointers in Pharo are already 64 bit wide?,
then such an extremely (at least for today's
standards) large image would be possible?.
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