[VW 7.1] Binary Coded Decimal

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[VW 7.1] Binary Coded Decimal

mani kartha
Hi ,

Visualworks [7.1 ?] has some library class/method that supports reading and writing of Binary coded decimals ? What do you suggest as a better approach for implementing this requirement?

Another not so important question is,

ByteArray has indexedType #bytes, but its elements are Integer, so why is it not indexed as #objects ? Also, how does smalltalk handle a data of exactly 1 byte? (a ByteArray with only one element?) What is the easiest way to convert it (the byte) to bits?(#printStringRadix:2  ??)

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [VW 7.1] Binary Coded Decimal

Paul Baumann



This example creates a ByteArray of the bytes of a double and then converts it back to a double:


| d b |

d := 383.323d.

b := ByteArray new: d basicSize.

1 to: b size do: [:i | b at: i put: (d basicAt: i) ].

b changeClassTo: d class.





An #object type is is a pointer to another object, and each pointer takes far more than eight bits to implement. Smalltalk handles data of 1 byte by having a ByteArray of size 1 (there is no Byte object just as there is no Bit object). Bit operations are done on integers, and the bytearray representation is a collection of integers. If you need to do bit operations then do them on the integer(s) and not to a string of characters produced from something like #printStringRadix:. If you need to do bit operations on the entire contents then you might use a trick of forming an integer from the contents (instead of the ByteArray in the earlier example):


| d b |

d := 383.323d.

b := LargePositiveInteger basicNew: d basicSize.

1 to: b basicSize do: [:i | b digitAt: i put: (d basicAt: i) ].





Both ByteArray and LargePositiveInteger are byte structures. LPI just implements behavior that may be more useful to you for bit operations. The #changeClassTo: trick works for LPI instances too. I don't recall if you'd need to be concerned with endian transformations with tricks like these.


Paul Baumann




From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of mani kartha
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 04:50
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [vwnc] [VW 7.1] Binary Coded Decimal


Hi ,

Visualworks [7.1 ?] has some library class/method that supports reading and writing of Binary coded decimals ? What do you suggest as a better approach for implementing this requirement?

Another not so important question is,

ByteArray has indexedType #bytes, but its elements are Integer, so why is it not indexed as #objects ? Also, how does smalltalk handle a data of exactly 1 byte? (a ByteArray with only one element?) What is the easiest way to convert it (the byte) to bits?(#printStringRadix:2  ??)

Thanks in advance,



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Re: [VW 7.1] Binary Coded Decimal

John Brant-2
In reply to this post by mani kartha

On Mar 18, 2014, at 3:49 AM, mani kartha <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi ,
> Visualworks [7.1 ?] has some library class/method that supports reading and writing of Binary coded decimals ? What do you suggest as a better approach for implementing this requirement?

I don’t know many places that use BCD numbers, but it is relatively easy to convert BCD bytes to integers:

        | bytes |
        bytes := #[1 2 3 4 5].
        bytes inject: 0 into: [:sum :each | sum * 10 + each]

Integer to BCD bytes:

        | bytes number index |
        number := 12345.
        bytes := ByteArray new: 5. “fix to whatever size you need”
        index := bytes size.
        [number > 0] whileTrue: [
                bytes at: index put: (number \\ 10).
                index := index - 1.
                number := number // 10].

Here’s an article that explains the BCD format (and also the Packed BCD format):

John Brant
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Re: [VW 7.1] Binary Coded Decimal

Steven Kelly
Assuming the same uncompressed BCD as John (i.e. one decimal digit per byte):

(Number readIntegerFrom: '12345' readStream radix: 256) asBigEndianByteArray.
" => #[1 2 3 4 5]  "

#[1 2 3 4 5] asBigEndianInteger printStringRadix: 256.
" => '12345'       "

For packed BCD (i.e. two decimal digits per byte, more common at least in my
experience), John's code is more easily adapted - basically just change the
10s to 100s.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of John Brant
> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 9:21 PM
> To: mani kartha
> Cc: [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [vwnc] [VW 7.1] Binary Coded Decimal
> On Mar 18, 2014, at 3:49 AM, mani kartha <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > Hi ,
> >
> > Visualworks [7.1 ?] has some library class/method that supports
> reading and writing of Binary coded decimals ? What do you suggest as a
> better approach for implementing this requirement?
> I don't know many places that use BCD numbers, but it is relatively
> easy to convert BCD bytes to integers:
> | bytes |
> bytes := #[1 2 3 4 5].
> bytes inject: 0 into: [:sum :each | sum * 10 + each]
> Integer to BCD bytes:
> | bytes number index |
> number := 12345.
> bytes := ByteArray new: 5. "fix to whatever size you
> need"
> index := bytes size.
> [number > 0] whileTrue: [
> bytes at: index put: (number \\ 10).
> index := index - 1.
> number := number // 10].
> bytes
> Here's an article that explains the BCD format (and also the Packed BCD
> format):
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary-coded_decimal
> John Brant
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