[VW 7.5] Drag waits indefinately for drop

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[VW 7.5] Drag waits indefinately for drop

Paul Baumann
Has anybody else seen these?
I've seen this about once every three weeks for several years. The image becomes unresponsive as if it is doing something. Eventually ctrl-b is pressed to find out what could possibly take so long. The debugger shows that the image was waiting for a drop event that it would never receive. No drag had been intended, and mouse button is no longer down.
I feel bad for anyone in this situation that doesn't know about ctrl-b because they'd think their image had frozen and needs to be terminated.
Drop event processed before wait? Missing drop event? Can button-down status be checked to see if the loop should be exited?
User Interrupt
[1]  DragDropManagerTracker>>isFinished
[2]  DragDropManagerTracker>>eventLoop
[3]  DragDropManagerTracker>>startUp
[4]  DragDropManager>>doDragDrop
[5]  GbxBasicInspector(Tools.Trippy.PartListAbstractInspector)>>doDrag:
[6]  WidgetDragDropCallbacks>>dragInitiateIn:
[7]  EmulatedSequenceTracker(SequenceSelectionTracker)>>exitDueToDragDrop
[8]  EmulatedSequenceTracker(SequenceSelectionTracker)>>doSelectionTrackingOperationAt:
[9]  optimized [] in ScrollingTracker>>trackSelectionFor:
[10] BlockClosure>>on:do:
[11] optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority:
Paul Baumann 

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Re: [VW 7.5] Drag waits indefinately for drop

Steven Kelly

Yes, I have seen this in 7.7 too, and perhaps even in recent dev builds of 7.7.1 (sorry, I can’t be sure since I’ve been skipping between both). I too have noticed it most often in Trippy.




From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Paul Baumann
Sent: 16. elokuuta 2010 18:36
To: vwnc NC
Subject: [vwnc] [VW 7.5] Drag waits indefinately for drop


Has anybody else seen these?


I've seen this about once every three weeks for several years. The image becomes unresponsive as if it is doing something. Eventually ctrl-b is pressed to find out what could possibly take so long. The debugger shows that the image was waiting for a drop event that it would never receive. No drag had been intended, and mouse button is no longer down.


I feel bad for anyone in this situation that doesn't know about ctrl-b because they'd think their image had frozen and needs to be terminated.


Drop event processed before wait? Missing drop event? Can button-down status be checked to see if the loop should be exited?


User Interrupt


[1]  DragDropManagerTracker>>isFinished
[2]  DragDropManagerTracker>>eventLoop
[3]  DragDropManagerTracker>>startUp
[4]  DragDropManager>>doDragDrop
[5]  GbxBasicInspector(Tools.Trippy.PartListAbstractInspector)>>doDrag:
[6]  WidgetDragDropCallbacks>>dragInitiateIn:
[7]  EmulatedSequenceTracker(SequenceSelectionTracker)>>exitDueToDragDrop
[8]  EmulatedSequenceTracker(SequenceSelectionTracker)>>doSelectionTrackingOperationAt:
[9]  optimized [] in ScrollingTracker>>trackSelectionFor:
[10] BlockClosure>>on:do:
[11] optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority:


Paul Baumann 



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