Have you ever seen methods and classes show red in the browser (as if an override) that then show black when selected? Think of them as transient overrides that don't clean up after a load completes. It can happen when methods are loaded
that extend classes defined by another package. I recall reporting this to Cincom years ago, so hopefully it has been fixed long ago. I started seeing the temporary-red methods more often so I debugged the problem a few weeks ago. Here is a workaround while
I still recall some of the details:
Override cleanseLists; cleanseLists.
Undeclared purgeUnusedBindings.
(Override cleanseLists) doesn't do a complete job when run only once. The second time cleans both classes and methods. When #cleanseLists is run only once then #purgeUnusedBindings preserves the bindings still referenced by Override. The
bug would be in #cleanseLists.
It would be useful to know if anyone has seen the problem in releases that followed VW 7.8.
Paul Baumann
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