VW 7.7 SubCanvas Replaced by CompositePart

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VW 7.7 SubCanvas Replaced by CompositePart

Runar Jordahl
In VisualWorks 7.7 SubCanvas has been deprecated and replaced by
CompositePart. Old references to SubCanvas will instantiate to
CompositePart . There is limited information on why this change was
done, and which implications it has.

In our product some UIs fails because of the change. To fix these, we
need to call #client: spec:builder: instead of #client: spec: and vice
versa(!). These problems might be caused by problems in our own code,
but there appears to be differences (from a client’s perspective)
between the two classes.

Shouldn’t the “GUI Painter Tool” be updated to include a “Composite
Part”? Currently “Subcanvas” is in the palette, but no “Composite
Part” is found.

When will SubCanvas be removed? How do we start using CompositePart in our UIs?

Kind regards

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