[VW 7.7 bug] #now with subclass of Timestamp

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[VW 7.7 bug] #now with subclass of Timestamp

Paul Baumann

Create a subclass of Timestamp and send it #now. You'll get an instance of Timestamp instead of the subclass you've requested an instance of.


Here is code from VW 7.7:


Timestamp class>>now

                "Answer a Timestamp for the current local time."

                "Timestamp now"


                | timezone milliseconds |

                milliseconds := Time millisecondClockValue.

                timezone := TimeZone default.

                ^(timezone universalToLocal: (timezone secondsToTimestamp: (milliseconds // 1000)))

                                millisecond: milliseconds \\ 1000;



The timezone is used as a factory without provision for double-dispatch. Here is code that works prior to VW 7.7:


Timestamp class>>now

                "Answer a Timestamp for the current local time."

                "Timestamp now"


                ^super new setFromMicroseconds: Time microsecondClock


Here is a workaround that works for me:


CpTimestamp class>>now

                "VW 7.7 answers instances of Timestamp instead of the class requested.

                 This is a workaround for that problem. -plb 2010.09.29"

                ^super now changeClassTo: CpTimestamp

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