Until I upgrade our locale system I need to use the Legacy
Locale system. However, I encountered an exception when I tried to browse method versions. Apparently, Glorp attempts to use the #medium print policy, which is not in the Legacy system. Unhandled exception: Key not found: IdentityDictionary(Dictionary)>>keyNotFoundErrorFor:index: optimized [] in Dictionary>>at: IdentityDictionary>>at:ifAbsent: IdentityDictionary(Dictionary)>>at: TimestampPrintPolicy>>policyNamed: Locale>>printAsTime:policyNamed: Store.Glorp.StoreMethod(Store.Glorp.StoreSourceObject)>>timeStampString optimized [] in Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane>>setUpListViewWith: List>>do: Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane>>setUpListViewWith: Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane(Store.Glorp.MethodListPane)>>postBuildWith: Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane(ApplicationModel)>>buildInSubCanvas:withBuilder: WinXPLookPolicy(UILookPolicy)>>subcanvas:into: SubCanvasSpec>>dispatchTo:with: SubCanvasSpec(UISpecification)>>addTo:withPolicy: UIBuilder>>addSpec: UIBuilder>>add: WinXPLookPolicy(UILookPolicy)>>specCollection:into: SpecCollection>>dispatchTo:with: SpecCollection>>addTo:withPolicy: UIBuilder>>addSpec: UIBuilder>>add: FullSpec>>addTo:withPolicy: UIBuilder>>addSpec: UIBuilder>>add: Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool(ApplicationModel)>>openInterface:withPolicy:inSession: Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool(ApplicationModel)>>openInterface:withPolicy: Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool(ApplicationModel)>>openInterface: Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool(ApplicationModel)>>openInterface Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool(ApplicationModel)>>open Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool class>>forVersionsOfMethod: optimized [] in [] in Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator>>storeBrowseMethodVersions optimized [] in Store.StoreProgressOverlay class>>subsumeAll:while: BlockClosure>>ensure: Store.StoreProgressOverlay class>>subsumeAll:while: Store.StoreProgressOverlay class>>subsume:while: BlockClosure>>withStoreFeedbackOn: optimized [] in Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator>>storeBrowseMethodVersions Store.DBAccess>>doIfOnlineImage: Refactory.Browser.BrowserNavigator(Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator)>>storeBrowseMethodVersions Refactory.Browser.RBCommand>>perform:on: Refactory.Browser.RBCommand>>performWith: Refactory.Browser.BrowserNavigator(Refactory.Browser.BrowserApplicationModel)>>performAction: Refactory.Browser.BrowserNavigator(Refactory.Browser.BrowserApplicationModel)>>action: optimized [] in Refactory.Browser.BrowserApplicationModel>>createActionMenuItemFrom: EmulatedSequenceController(SequenceController)>>dispatchBlockClosure: EmulatedSequenceController(SequenceController)>>dispatchMenuSelection: EmulatedSequenceController(ControllerWithMenu)>>processMenu:at:centered: EmulatedSequenceController(ControllerWithMenu)>>processMenuAt:centered: EmulatedSequenceController(ControllerWithMenu)>>yellowButtonPressedEvent: EmulatedSequenceController(SequenceController)>>yellowButtonPressedEvent: YellowButtonPressedEvent>>dispatchTo: EmulatedSequenceController(ControllerWithMenu)>>handleEvent: EventDispatcher>>dispatch:to: EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: YellowButtonPressedEvent(Event)>>dispatch YellowButtonPressedEvent(Event)>>dispatchForWindowManager: optimized [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: BlockClosure>>on:do: WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: WindowManager>>processNextEvent optimized [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in WindowManager>>newProcess BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IdentityDictionary(Dictionary)>>keyNotFoundErrorFor:index: Receiver: an IdentityDictionary Instance Variables: tally = 4 valueArray = an Array[7] Arguments: selector = #at: key = #medium Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Dictionary>>at: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = an IdentityDictionary[4] .key = #medium Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IdentityDictionary>>at:ifAbsent: Receiver: an IdentityDictionary Instance Variables: tally = 4 valueArray = an Array[7] Arguments: key = #medium aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Dictionary>>at: Temporaries: index = 7 Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IdentityDictionary(Dictionary)>>at: Receiver: an IdentityDictionary Instance Variables: tally = 4 valueArray = an Array[7] Arguments: key = #medium Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TimestampPrintPolicy>>policyNamed: Receiver: a TimestampPrintPolicy Instance Variables: localeID = #us policies = an IdentityDictionary[4] dateMiniFormat = #mdy timeSeparator = $: "16r003A" shortWeekdays = an Array[7] longWeekdays = an Array[7] narrowWeekdays = nil shortMonths = an Array[12] longMonths = an Array[12] narrowMonths = nil shortAmPm = an Array[2] longAmPm = an Array[2] tokenProcessingDispatchTable = nil tokenInterpretationDispatchTable = nil Arguments: pName = #medium Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Locale>>printAsTime:policyNamed: Receiver: a Locale Instance Variables: name = #'en_US.CP1252' collationPolicy = a StringCollationPolicy currencyPolicy = a NumberPrintPolicy numberPolicy = a NumberPrintPolicy timePolicy = a TimestampPrintPolicy compoundTextEncodeOrder = an Array[2] cutPasteEncoding = #CompoundText defaultStreamEncoder = a ByteCharacterEncoder ignoreSerifEncodings = an Array[0] needsInputMethod = false preferredEncodings = nil preferredFontFamily = an Array[0] preferredPixelSize = nil defaultPaperSize = 8.5 @ 11.0 Arguments: aTimeThing = June 23, 2011 14:10:36.000 policyName = #medium Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.StoreMethod(Store.Glorp.StoreSourceObject)>>timeStampString Receiver: a Store.Glorp.StoreMethod Instance Variables: primaryKey = 64784 trace = {uninstantiated StoreMethod} username = 'Terry' timestamp = June 23, 2011 18:10:36.000 name = 'initialize' version = nil source = a Store.Glorp.StoreBlob className = 'Root.Smalltalk.Tools.BenchmarkRunner' isMetaclass = false protocol = #'initialize-release' comment = nil selector = nil Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane>>setUpListViewWith: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: each = StoreMethodInPackage Root.Smalltalk.Tools.BenchmarkRunner>>#initialize Temporaries: .widget = a MultiSelectionSequenceView longestPackage = 99 longestProtocol = 0 longestTimestamp = 0 longestUsername = 0 Context PC = 27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- List>>do: Receiver: a List Instance Variables: dependents = a MultiSelectionSequenceView collection = an Array[5] limit = 1 collectionSize = 5 Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane>>setUpListViewWith: Temporaries: index = 1 Context PC = 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane>>setUpListViewWith: Receiver: a Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane Instance Variables: dependents = nil builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = nil eventHandlers = nil itemsInList = a MultiSelectionInList tool = a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool title = nil Arguments: aBuilder = an UIBuilder Temporaries: widget = a MultiSelectionSequenceView items = a List[1] longestPackage = 99 longestProtocol = 0 longestTimestamp = 0 longestUsername = 0 Context PC = 40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane(Store.Glorp.MethodListPane)>>postBuildWith: Receiver: a Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane Instance Variables: dependents = nil builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = nil eventHandlers = nil itemsInList = a MultiSelectionInList tool = a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool title = nil Arguments: aBuilder = an UIBuilder Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane(ApplicationModel)>>buildInSubCanvas:withBuilder: Receiver: a Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane Instance Variables: dependents = nil builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = nil eventHandlers = nil itemsInList = a MultiSelectionInList tool = a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool title = nil Arguments: spec = a SpecCollection aBuilder = an UIBuilder Context PC = 44 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WinXPLookPolicy(UILookPolicy)>>subcanvas:into: Receiver: a WinXPLookPolicy Arguments: subCanvasSpec = a SubCanvasSpec builder = an UIBuilder Temporaries: spec = a SpecCollection subBuilder = an UIBuilder subEnv = a Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane state = nil class = nil old = nil class = nil Context PC = 271 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SubCanvasSpec>>dispatchTo:with: Receiver: a SubCanvasSpec Instance Variables: properties = nil layout = a LayoutFrame vAlignment = nil hAlignment = nil name = #ListOfThings flags = nil isOpaque = nil colors = nil majorKey = nil minorKey = #listSpec clientKey = #listOfThings Arguments: policy = a WinXPLookPolicy builder = an UIBuilder Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SubCanvasSpec(UISpecification)>>addTo:withPolicy: Receiver: a SubCanvasSpec Instance Variables: properties = nil layout = a LayoutFrame vAlignment = nil hAlignment = nil name = #ListOfThings flags = nil isOpaque = nil colors = nil majorKey = nil minorKey = #listSpec clientKey = #listOfThings Arguments: builder = an UIBuilder policy = a WinXPLookPolicy Temporaries: lab = nil Context PC = 19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UIBuilder>>addSpec: Receiver: an UIBuilder Instance Variables: bindings = a Dictionary[1] namedComponents = a Dictionary[0] labels = a Dictionary[1] visuals = a Dictionary[0] subCanvasSpecs = a Dictionary[1] source = a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool policy = a WinXPLookPolicy spec = a SubCanvasSpec window = a ScheduledWindow nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor composite = a CompositePart component = nil decorator = nil wrapper = nil stack = an OrderedCollection[0] isEditing = false cacheWhileEditing = false windowSpec = a WindowSpec converterClass = PrintConverter Arguments: aSpec = a SubCanvasSpec Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UIBuilder>>add: Receiver: an UIBuilder Instance Variables: bindings = a Dictionary[1] namedComponents = a Dictionary[0] labels = a Dictionary[1] visuals = a Dictionary[0] subCanvasSpecs = a Dictionary[1] source = a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool policy = a WinXPLookPolicy spec = a SubCanvasSpec window = a ScheduledWindow nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor composite = a CompositePart component = nil decorator = nil wrapper = nil stack = an OrderedCollection[0] isEditing = false cacheWhileEditing = false windowSpec = a WindowSpec converterClass = PrintConverter Arguments: aSpec = a SubCanvasSpec Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WinXPLookPolicy(UILookPolicy)>>specCollection:into: Receiver: a WinXPLookPolicy Arguments: spec = a SpecCollection aBuilder = an UIBuilder Temporaries: aCollection = an Array[4] i = 1 Context PC = 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SpecCollection>>dispatchTo:with: Receiver: a SpecCollection Instance Variables: properties = nil collection = an Array[4] Arguments: policy = a WinXPLookPolicy builder = an UIBuilder Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SpecCollection>>addTo:withPolicy: Receiver: a SpecCollection Instance Variables: properties = nil collection = an Array[4] Arguments: builder = an UIBuilder policy = a WinXPLookPolicy Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UIBuilder>>addSpec: Receiver: an UIBuilder Instance Variables: bindings = a Dictionary[1] namedComponents = a Dictionary[0] labels = a Dictionary[1] visuals = a Dictionary[0] subCanvasSpecs = a Dictionary[1] source = a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool policy = a WinXPLookPolicy spec = a SubCanvasSpec window = a ScheduledWindow nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor composite = a CompositePart component = nil decorator = nil wrapper = nil stack = an OrderedCollection[0] isEditing = false cacheWhileEditing = false windowSpec = a WindowSpec converterClass = PrintConverter Arguments: aSpec = a SpecCollection Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UIBuilder>>add: Receiver: an UIBuilder Instance Variables: bindings = a Dictionary[1] namedComponents = a Dictionary[0] labels = a Dictionary[1] visuals = a Dictionary[0] subCanvasSpecs = a Dictionary[1] source = a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool policy = a WinXPLookPolicy spec = a SubCanvasSpec window = a ScheduledWindow nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor composite = a CompositePart component = nil decorator = nil wrapper = nil stack = an OrderedCollection[0] isEditing = false cacheWhileEditing = false windowSpec = a WindowSpec converterClass = PrintConverter Arguments: aSpec = a SpecCollection Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FullSpec>>addTo:withPolicy: Receiver: a FullSpec Instance Variables: properties = nil window = a WindowSpec component = a SpecCollection Arguments: builder = an UIBuilder policy = a WinXPLookPolicy Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UIBuilder>>addSpec: Receiver: an UIBuilder Instance Variables: bindings = a Dictionary[1] namedComponents = a Dictionary[0] labels = a Dictionary[1] visuals = a Dictionary[0] subCanvasSpecs = a Dictionary[1] source = a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool policy = a WinXPLookPolicy spec = a SubCanvasSpec window = a ScheduledWindow nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor composite = a CompositePart component = nil decorator = nil wrapper = nil stack = an OrderedCollection[0] isEditing = false cacheWhileEditing = false windowSpec = a WindowSpec converterClass = PrintConverter Arguments: aSpec = a FullSpec Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UIBuilder>>add: Receiver: an UIBuilder Instance Variables: bindings = a Dictionary[1] namedComponents = a Dictionary[0] labels = a Dictionary[1] visuals = a Dictionary[0] subCanvasSpecs = a Dictionary[1] source = a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool policy = a WinXPLookPolicy spec = a SubCanvasSpec window = a ScheduledWindow nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor composite = a CompositePart component = nil decorator = nil wrapper = nil stack = an OrderedCollection[0] isEditing = false cacheWhileEditing = false windowSpec = a WindowSpec converterClass = PrintConverter Arguments: aSpec = a FullSpec Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool(ApplicationModel)>>openInterface:withPolicy:inSession: Receiver: a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool Instance Variables: dependents = nil builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = a ControlManager eventHandlers = nil definition = nil listPart = a Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane status = nil Arguments: aSymbol = #windowSpec aPolicy = a WinXPLookPolicy anApplicationContext = a ControlManager Temporaries: spec = a FullSpec Context PC = 33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool(ApplicationModel)>>openInterface:withPolicy: Receiver: a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool Instance Variables: dependents = nil builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = a ControlManager eventHandlers = nil definition = nil listPart = a Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane status = nil Arguments: aSymbol = #windowSpec aPolicy = a WinXPLookPolicy Temporaries: aSession = a ControlManager Context PC = 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool(ApplicationModel)>>openInterface: Receiver: a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool Instance Variables: dependents = nil builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = a ControlManager eventHandlers = nil definition = nil listPart = a Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane status = nil Arguments: aSymbol = #windowSpec Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool(ApplicationModel)>>openInterface Receiver: a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool Instance Variables: dependents = nil builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = a ControlManager eventHandlers = nil definition = nil listPart = a Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane status = nil Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool(ApplicationModel)>>open Receiver: a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool Instance Variables: dependents = nil builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = a ControlManager eventHandlers = nil definition = nil listPart = a Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane status = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool class>>forVersionsOfMethod: Receiver: a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool class Instance Variables: superclass = ApplicationModel methodDict = a MethodDictionary[22] format = 16391 subclasses = an Array[1] instanceVariables = an Array[3] organization = ('actions' #atLeastOnePundleVersionSelected #copySelection #find #findNext #selectEntireText #updateStatusPaneWith: #updateTextPaneWith:) ('aspects' #definition #mainMenu #status) ('accessing' #listOfThings #listPart: #listSpec #listTitle) ('binding' #specificationFor:) ('error handling' #doesNotUnderstand: #glorpSession #handleGlorpError:) ('interface opening' #postBuildWith: #postOpenWith:) ('interface closing' #noticeOfWindowClose:) ('private' #terminateBrowser) name = #DefinitionForListTool classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0] environment = a NameSpace[110] savedWindowInformation = nil Arguments: aStoreMethod = StoreMethodInPackage Root.Smalltalk.Tools.BenchmarkRunner>>#initialize Temporaries: instance = a Store.Glorp.DefinitionForListTool listPart = a Store.Glorp.MethodVersionsListPane Context PC = 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in [] in Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator>>storeBrowseMethodVersions Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a Refactory.Browser.BrowserNavigator Context PC = 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Store.StoreProgressOverlay class>>subsumeAll:while: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .windowsToSubsume = an Array[1] .self = Store.StoreProgressOverlay overlays = an Array[1] .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator>>storeBrowseMethodVersions Context PC = 14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in Store.StoreProgressOverlay class>>subsumeAll:while: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[4] Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.StoreProgressOverlay class>>subsumeAll:while: Temporaries: result = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.StoreProgressOverlay class>>subsumeAll:while: Receiver: a Store.StoreProgressOverlay class Instance Variables: superclass = Panel methodDict = a MethodDictionary[12] format = 16394 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[3] organization = ('initialize-release' #addProgressView #initializeLayoutAlgorithm #restoreOriginal #subsume:) ('private' #backdrop #dropdownGradient #dropdownRectangle #progressView #regularView #washOutBackdropImage) ('displaying' #displayChild:on: #displayDropdownOn:) name = #StoreProgressOverlay classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0] environment = a NameSpace[282] Arguments: aWindowCollection = an Array[1] aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator>>storeBrowseMethodVersions Temporaries: overlays = an Array[1] windowsToSubsume = an Array[1] Context PC = 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.StoreProgressOverlay class>>subsume:while: Receiver: a Store.StoreProgressOverlay class Instance Variables: superclass = Panel methodDict = a MethodDictionary[12] format = 16394 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[3] organization = ('initialize-release' #addProgressView #initializeLayoutAlgorithm #restoreOriginal #subsume:) ('private' #backdrop #dropdownGradient #dropdownRectangle #progressView #regularView #washOutBackdropImage) ('displaying' #displayChild:on: #displayDropdownOn:) name = #StoreProgressOverlay classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0] environment = a NameSpace[282] Arguments: aWindowOrNil = a ScheduledWindow 105 aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator>>storeBrowseMethodVersions Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>withStoreFeedbackOn: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in [] in Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator>>storeBrowseMethodVersions outerContext = nil copiedValues = a Refactory.Browser.BrowserNavigator Arguments: aWindow = a ScheduledWindow 105 Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator>>storeBrowseMethodVersions Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a Refactory.Browser.BrowserNavigator Context PC = 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.DBAccess>>doIfOnlineImage: Receiver: a Store.DBAccess Instance Variables: environmentString = nil connection = a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection sequenceConnection = nil connectedProfileHolder = a ValueHolder on: a Store.ConnectionProfile recentProfile = a Store.ConnectionProfile isOnline = true tablePrefix = 'Terry' debug = nil log = nil logFile = nil databaseIdentifier = 'Mio78' storeBroker = Store.PostgreSQLServerBroker installScript = nil debugger = a Store.StoreLogEnvironment cachedNames = nil highestPrimaryKeyChecked = nil subscriptionRegistry = a SubscriptionRegistry currentDatabaseAccessor = a Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor storeDescriptorSystems = a Dictionary[1] Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator>>storeBrowseMethodVersions Temporaries: choice = nil Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Refactory.Browser.BrowserNavigator(Refactory.Browser.AbstractBrowserNavigator)>>storeBrowseMethodVersions Receiver: a Refactory.Browser.BrowserNavigator Instance Variables: dependents = BenchmarkRunner>>initialize builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = nil eventHandlers = nil environment = state = BenchmarkRunner>>initialize dispatcher = a Refactory.Browser.RBActionDispatcher parts = an OrderedCollection[2] partsDictionary = a Dictionary[2] menus = a Dictionary[4] showOnlyFiltered = true windowLabel = 'BenchmarkRunner>>initialize' Context PC = 9 Terry =========================================================== Terry Raymond Crafted Smalltalk 80 Lazywood Ln. Tiverton, RI 02878 (401) 624-4517 [hidden email] <http://www.craftedsmalltalk.com> =========================================================== _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
Thanks for pointing this out. I'll bring this up with CM.
It is unlikely that it will be resolved by adding a medium (or full) print format to legacy locales, as we are moving to eventually remove them from the image.
Les Kooyman From: [hidden email] on behalf of Terry Raymond Sent: Tue 7/5/2011 8:36 AM To: VWNC Subject: [vwnc] VW 7.8 - Legacy Locale System is incompatible with Store Until I upgrade our locale system I need to use the Legacy _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
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