Hi all
I am having peculiar problems with VW 7.8nc on Win 7 I am getting a primitive failed error and a subsequent intermittent crashes on image startup. The stack is below my post Any idea what is wrong? -Seamus Stack:---------------------- Unhandled exception: a primitive has failed HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: HandleRegistry>>registerValueOf: ScheduledWindow class(DisplaySurface class)>>registerValueOf: optimized [] in DisplaySurface>>handleValue: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: ScheduledWindow(DisplaySurface)>>handleValue: ScheduledWindow(Window)>>createSurfaceWithForcedPosition: ScheduledWindow>>privateOpenForced: ScheduledWindow>>openIn: ScheduledWindow>>openIn:withType: UIBuilder>>openIn: DebuggerService class>>openDebugger:contents:label:proceed:displayAt: optimized [] in DebuggerService class>>openContext:label:proceedable:interrupted: optimized [] in Process>>suspendResumable:do: BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Receiver: a HandleRegistry Instance Variables: tally = 20 valueArray = a WeakArray[557] executors = an Array[557] accessLock = a RecursionLock Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in HandleRegistry>>registerValueOf: Temporaries: exception = an Error return = nil newException = an Error Context PC = 43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HandleRegistry>>registerValueOf: Receiver: a HandleRegistry Instance Variables: tally = 20 valueArray = a WeakArray[557] executors = an Array[557] accessLock = a RecursionLock Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in DisplaySurface>>handleValue: Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ScheduledWindow class(DisplaySurface class)>>registerValueOf: Receiver: a ScheduledWindow class Instance Variables: superclass = Window methodDict = a MethodDictionary[185] format = 16422 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[23] organization = ('initialize-release' #activationNotification: #close #damageRepairIsLazy: #finishOpening #flushCaches #initialize #map #newGraphicsDevice: #noticeOfWindowClose #release #useDisplayBuffer) ('accessing' #activationNotification #application #application: #background #background: #backgroundPattern #childrenDo: #component #component: #controller #controller: #damageRepairPolicy #damageRepairPolicy: #displayBox: #displayMedium #dropTarget: #expand #findParent: #hibernate #icon: #keyboardProcessor #keyboardProcessor: #label #label: #masterWindow #masterWindow: #maximumSize #maximumSize: #menuBar #minimumSize #minimumSize: #model #model: #moveTo:resize: #newLabel: #parent #raise #toolbarVisible #toolbarVisible: #topComponent #topView #unmap) ('visual properties' #defaultLookPreferences #defaultPaintPreferences #edgeDecorationPolicy #edgeDecorationPolicy: #insideColor #insideColor: #isVisible #paintPreferences: #widgetPolicy #widgetPolicy:) ('visual properties-overriding' #localColorPreferences #lookPreferences #lookPreferences: #resetLookPreferences:) ('testing' #canProcessEvent #containsPoint: #dispatchesKeyboard #hasStoreProgressOverlay #isInvalid #isTabStop) ('events' #addMouseEnterEvent #addMouseExitEvent #beMaster #bePartner #beSlave #checkForEvents #extentEvent: #processDestroyEvent: #receiveWindowEvents #receiveWindowEvents: #sendWindowEvents #sendWindowEvents: #shutdownBecauseOfError #updateEvent: #windowEventBlock #windowEventBlock:) ('displaying' #display #displayOn: #refresh) ('scheduling' #open #openAroundCursorWithExtent:andType: #openDialogIn: #openDisplayAt: #openIn: #openIn:withType: #openPopUpIn: #openWithExtent: #openWithExtent:andType: #openWithType: #scheduleIn:) ('updating' #update:with: #update:with:from:) ('private' #boundsForExtent:origin: #cascadedPositionRectangle: #changedBounds:forComponent: #changedPreferredBounds:forComponent: #compositionBoundsFor: #defaultForRelayedEvent: #defaultRectangle: #displayDamageEvent: #focusIn #getDisplayBox #getLookPreferences #getMaxSize #getMaximumSize #getMinSize #getMinimumSize #localPointToGlobal: #mouseCenteredRectangle: #openTransientIn:type: #openTransientIn:type:postOpen: #prepareToMap #primGrowWindow:max: #privateOpenForced: #processRelayedEvent:from: #promptForDefaultRectangle: #reportWindowEvent:with: #requiresStatusLine #screenCenteredRectangle: #setComponent: #setEdgeDecorationPolicy: #setWidgetPolicy:) ('painting' #defaultBackgroundPaint #defaultPaint) ('menu raising' #menuDo:) ('broadcast' #downcastEvent:with:from: #downcastLocalEvent:with:at:from: #upcastEvent:with:from:path:) ('bounds accessing' #globalPointToLocal:) ('component accessing' #graphicsContextFor:) ('finalization' #actAsExecutor) ('accessing-internationalization' #statusLineHeight:) ('event driven' #blueButtonEventDispatcher #dragDropInProgress #dragDropInProgress: #dragDropTracker #dragDropTracker: #eventDispatcher #getEventHandler #grabMouseEventFor: #handleEvent: #handlerForMouseEvent: #installEventSensor #keyboardEventDispatcher #mouseEventDispatcher #processWindowEvent:lastControlObject: #repairDamages #ungrabMouseEventFor:) ('event driven events' #activateEvent: #boundsEvent: #closeEvent: #collapseEvent: #deactivateEvent: #destroyEvent: #expandEvent: #exposeEvent: #mouseEnter: #mouseExit: #moveEvent: #resizeEvent: #unknownEvent: #windowEnterEvent: #windowExitEvent:) ('input' #becomeActive #becomeInactive) ('drag and drop' #dropTargetForSource: #findObjectInterestedInDropAt:forSource:) ('user interface' #componentHierarchyChildren #inspectorActions #inspectorClasses #inspectorCollaborators #inspectorHierarchies) name = #ScheduledWindow classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[5] environment = a NameSpace[552] Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in DisplaySurface>>handleValue: Temporaries: registry = a HandleRegistry[20] Context PC = 14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in DisplaySurface>>handleValue: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a ScheduledWindow nil .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Window>>createSurfaceWithForcedPosition: Context PC = 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in DisplaySurface>>handleValue: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: terminationBlock = BlockClosure [] in DisplaySurface>>handleValue: Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ScheduledWindow(DisplaySurface)>>handleValue: Receiver: a ScheduledWindow Instance Variables: handle = nil width = 320 height = 225 background = a DevicePaint inputOrigin = 560 @ 338 creationOrigin = 560 @ 338 sensor = an EventSensor iconic = false windowType = #normal effectiveWindowType = nil statusLineHeight = 0 allowsStatusLine = true mapped = nil eventHandlers = nil windowManager = nil label = an UserMessage('Exception', #Exception, #pdp) icon = an Icon minimumSize = 50 @ 50 maximumSize = nil component = a CompositePart lookPreferences = nil paintPreferences = nil edgeDecorationPolicy = a WinXPBorderDecorationPolicy widgetPolicy = a WinXPWidgetPolicy controller = nil model = a DebuggerService damageRepairPolicy = nil masterWindow = nil activationNotification = true application = nil dragDropInProgress = nil dragDropTracker = nil dropTarget = nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor receiveWindowEvents = nil sendWindowEvents = nil toolbarVisible = true windowEventBlock = nil Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Window>>createSurfaceWithForcedPosition: Context PC = 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ScheduledWindow(Window)>>createSurfaceWithForcedPosition: Receiver: a ScheduledWindow Instance Variables: handle = nil width = 320 height = 225 background = a DevicePaint inputOrigin = 560 @ 338 creationOrigin = 560 @ 338 sensor = an EventSensor iconic = false windowType = #normal effectiveWindowType = nil statusLineHeight = 0 allowsStatusLine = true mapped = nil eventHandlers = nil windowManager = nil label = an UserMessage('Exception', #Exception, #pdp) icon = an Icon minimumSize = 50 @ 50 maximumSize = nil component = a CompositePart lookPreferences = nil paintPreferences = nil edgeDecorationPolicy = a WinXPBorderDecorationPolicy widgetPolicy = a WinXPWidgetPolicy controller = nil model = a DebuggerService damageRepairPolicy = nil masterWindow = nil activationNotification = true application = nil dragDropInProgress = nil dragDropTracker = nil dropTarget = nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor receiveWindowEvents = nil sendWindowEvents = nil toolbarVisible = true windowEventBlock = nil Arguments: forcePosition = true Temporaries: flags = 65538 owner = nil wt = #normal Context PC = 86 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ScheduledWindow>>privateOpenForced: Receiver: a ScheduledWindow Instance Variables: handle = nil width = 320 height = 225 background = a DevicePaint inputOrigin = 560 @ 338 creationOrigin = 560 @ 338 sensor = an EventSensor iconic = false windowType = #normal effectiveWindowType = nil statusLineHeight = 0 allowsStatusLine = true mapped = nil eventHandlers = nil windowManager = nil label = an UserMessage('Exception', #Exception, #pdp) icon = an Icon minimumSize = 50 @ 50 maximumSize = nil component = a CompositePart lookPreferences = nil paintPreferences = nil edgeDecorationPolicy = a WinXPBorderDecorationPolicy widgetPolicy = a WinXPWidgetPolicy controller = nil model = a DebuggerService damageRepairPolicy = nil masterWindow = nil activationNotification = true application = nil dragDropInProgress = nil dragDropTracker = nil dropTarget = nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor receiveWindowEvents = nil sendWindowEvents = nil toolbarVisible = true windowEventBlock = nil Arguments: forcePosition = true Context PC = 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ScheduledWindow>>openIn: Receiver: a ScheduledWindow Instance Variables: handle = nil width = 320 height = 225 background = a DevicePaint inputOrigin = 560 @ 338 creationOrigin = 560 @ 338 sensor = an EventSensor iconic = false windowType = #normal effectiveWindowType = nil statusLineHeight = 0 allowsStatusLine = true mapped = nil eventHandlers = nil windowManager = nil label = an UserMessage('Exception', #Exception, #pdp) icon = an Icon minimumSize = 50 @ 50 maximumSize = nil component = a CompositePart lookPreferences = nil paintPreferences = nil edgeDecorationPolicy = a WinXPBorderDecorationPolicy widgetPolicy = a WinXPWidgetPolicy controller = nil model = a DebuggerService damageRepairPolicy = nil masterWindow = nil activationNotification = true application = nil dragDropInProgress = nil dragDropTracker = nil dropTarget = nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor receiveWindowEvents = nil sendWindowEvents = nil toolbarVisible = true windowEventBlock = nil Arguments: aRectangle = 560 @ (675 / 2) corner: 880 @ (1125 / 2) Temporaries: newBounds = 560 @ (675 / 2) corner: 880 @ (1125 / 2) Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ScheduledWindow>>openIn:withType: Receiver: a ScheduledWindow Instance Variables: handle = nil width = 320 height = 225 background = a DevicePaint inputOrigin = 560 @ 338 creationOrigin = 560 @ 338 sensor = an EventSensor iconic = false windowType = #normal effectiveWindowType = nil statusLineHeight = 0 allowsStatusLine = true mapped = nil eventHandlers = nil windowManager = nil label = an UserMessage('Exception', #Exception, #pdp) icon = an Icon minimumSize = 50 @ 50 maximumSize = nil component = a CompositePart lookPreferences = nil paintPreferences = nil edgeDecorationPolicy = a WinXPBorderDecorationPolicy widgetPolicy = a WinXPWidgetPolicy controller = nil model = a DebuggerService damageRepairPolicy = nil masterWindow = nil activationNotification = true application = nil dragDropInProgress = nil dragDropTracker = nil dropTarget = nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor receiveWindowEvents = nil sendWindowEvents = nil toolbarVisible = true windowEventBlock = nil Arguments: aRectangle = 560 @ (675 / 2) corner: 880 @ (1125 / 2) aType = #normal Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UIBuilder>>openIn: Receiver: an UIBuilder Instance Variables: bindings = a Dictionary[0] namedComponents = a Dictionary[0] labels = a Dictionary[0] visuals = a Dictionary[0] subCanvasSpecs = a Dictionary[0] source = nil policy = a WinXPLookPolicy spec = a LabelSpec window = a ScheduledWindow nil keyboardProcessor = a KeyboardProcessor composite = a CompositePart component = a Win95PassiveLabel decorator = nil wrapper = a SpecWrapper on: a LayoutWrapper on: a Win95PassiveLabel stack = an OrderedCollection[0] isEditing = false cacheWhileEditing = false windowSpec = a WindowSpec converterClass = PrintConverter Arguments: aRectangle = 560 @ (675 / 2) corner: 880 @ (1125 / 2) Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DebuggerService class>>openDebugger:contents:label:proceed:displayAt: Receiver: a DebuggerService class Instance Variables: superclass = Model methodDict = a MethodDictionary[220] format = 16408 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[23] organization = ('private-stack manipulation' #byteStep #cutbackTo:finishWith: #finishStep #forceResetContext: #getContinueInDebugCtx #homeContext #homeContextForCutback #homeContextForCutbackOf: #makeContextProceedable #resetContext: #resumeProcess #revertBlock #selectContext: #unwind:to:) ('private' #basicResetOnMethodChange:in:context: #findOldestContextUsing: #finishRequest #performDebugOperation: #performDebugRequest: #performDebugRequest:withArguments: #resetOnMethodChange:in:context:) ('probes' #addBreakpointAt: #addProbeAt: #addStepProbe:with: #basicAddProbe:using: #findSelectedProbeEmphasisIn: #modifyProbeAt:from: #removeAllProbes #removeProbeAt:from: #removeStepProbes #tempMethods) ('testing' #areTextProbeCommandsLegal #contextHasHome #doesContextHaveInterimValues #hasActiveDebugOperation #hasHomeContextStepped #hasLoopControlContext #hasSuspendedOperations #isDebugger #isFullStack #isInstalledMethodSourceOutOfSync #isMethodContextSelected #isProbedMethod #isStoreLoaded #isTerminated #isTopContextSelected) ('context list' #context: #refreshInspectorsFromCurrentContext #selectContextAt:) ('tags' #addTag #hasTags #isCurrentContextTagged #isTagged: #removeTag #selectTag: #tagMenuList) ('accessing' #clearDoSend #clearDoSendLoop #context #contextInspector #contextList #contextListForUI #indexOfCurrentContext #interfaceWindow #interruptedContext #isSend #isSendLoop #isStepIntoBlock #label #label: #mayProceed #pcRange #receiverInspector #selectedClass #selectedMethod #selectionRange #selector #setDoSend #setDoSendLoop #stackFilterPatterns:convertSelector:matchSelector:displayAllLimit: #stackInspector #text #topContext) ('return commands' #evaluateExpressionInReceiver: #returnLastDoIt: #returnNewExpr:with: #returnSelf: #returnTOS:) ('private-reflection protocol' #_object:eqeq: #_objectClass:) ('private-event processing' #changedLabel #changedPC #closeDebugger #debuggerSelectedTopContext #eventOrder #processEvents #removePCUpdate #requestComplete #scheduleCloseAction #scheduleContextListSelectionUpdate #scheduleContextListUpdate #scheduleInspectorUpdate #scheduleLabelUpdate #scheduleMessage: #schedulePCUpdate #scheduleResetInspectorFields #scheduleTextUpdate #showMessage: #updateContextList #updateContextListSelection #updateText) ('private-menu messages' #basicContinue #basicFirstLoop #basicJumpToCaret #basicMakeFullMethod #basicMoreStack #basicNextLoop #basicPause #basicProceed #basicReenter #basicRestart #basicSelectHomeContext #basicSend #basicSkipToCaret #basicStep #basicStepIntoBlock #finishJumpToCaretUsing: #privateFirstLoop #privateMakeFullMethod #privateNextLoop #privateRunTillBreak #privateSend #privateSimulateStepIntoBlock #privateSkipToCaret #privateStep #privateStepIntoBlock #setLoopControlContext) ('doIt/accept/explain' #abortDoIt #acceptTextFrom: #basicMethodChanged:selector: #browseMethod #compileDoItFrom: #compileText:from: #debugFrom: #doItContext #doItEnvironment #doItReceiver #doItValue: #evaluateTextFrom:action: #explainFor: #explainSpecial:for: #formatFor: #methodChanged:selector: #spawnBrowserOnMethod:) ('must fix' #changedMethodFrom:to:by: #makeProbeTyped:using:at:method: #promptForProbeVariableClass:method:record:) ('debug commands' #abortDebugOperationInProcess: #abortDebuggingFor: #continue #ctrlyAbort #firstLoop #jumpToCaretAt: #makeFullMethod #moreStack #nextLoop #pause #pauseDebugOperation #proceed #reenter #restart #return #selectHomeContext #send #skipToCaretAt: #step #stepIntoBlock #terminate) ('spelling correction' #basicDefineMethod #canCorrectSpelling #canDefineMethod #compileTemplate:inClass: #contextFirstSendingDNU #correctDNUWith: #correctTextWith: #defineMethod #defineMethodForDoesNotUnderstand #defineMethodForSubclassResponsibility #defineMethodStubAndAdvance #dnuSelector #getSentSelectorFor: #possibleDNUCorrections #prepareDNUForResend #presendPCFor: #privateCorrectDNUWith:) ('stack manipulation' #checkContextSelection #emergencyRestart:) ('actions' #browseClass #browseSelectedContext #correctSpelling #inspectCurrentContext #revert #stackForCopy) ('private-inspectors' #openInspectors #resetInspectorFields #updateInspectors) ('private-pc selection' #privatePcRange #resetPCSelection #stopPC) ('initialize-release' #basicPrepareTopContext #initialize #onHandle: #prepareForErrorCondition #prepareTopContext #process:context:interrupted: #process:context:interrupted:proceedable: #removeAllDependents #removeDependent:) ('private-return' #basicCompleteReturn:with: #completeReturn:with:) name = #DebuggerService classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[3] environment = a NameSpace[66] Arguments: aDebugger = a DebuggerService aString1 = 'HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithF...: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:' aString2 = 'Unhandled exception: a primitive has failed' mayProceed = false aPoint = 720 @ 450 Temporaries: box = 560 @ (675 / 2) corner: 880 @ (1125 / 2) text = a ComposedText y = 114 builder = an UIBuilder label = a LabelSpec actions = an OrderedCollection[3] specs = an OrderedCollection[3] width = 320 height = 225 copyStack = an ActionButtonSpec correctIt = nil baseFraction = (1 / 3) defineIt = nil icon = an AlphaCompositedImage i = 4 action = an UserMessage('Terminate', #Terminate, #pdp) -> BlockClosure [] in DebuggerService class>>openDebugger:contents:label:proceed:displayAt: Context PC = 863 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in DebuggerService class>>openContext:label:proceedable:interrupted: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: proc = a Process in Process>>resume Temporaries: .self = DebuggerService .dbr = a DebuggerService .contentsString = 'HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithF...: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:' .aString = 'Unhandled exception: a primitive has failed' .aBoolean = false .displayPoint = 720 @ 450 Context PC = 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Process>>suspendResumable:do: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .pause = a Semaphore[0] .self = a Process in Process>>resume .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in DebuggerService class>>openContext:label:proceedable:interrupted: .resume = false Context PC = 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in Process>>suspendResumable:do: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[4] Arguments: anExceptionSelector = TerminateException handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Process>>suspendResumable:do: Context PC = 9 |
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