VW 7.x

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VW 7.x

Adams, Charles

Is it just me or does everyone get really tired of opening a System Browser and using Find to locate the package/class of current interest? I tend to work in one package at a time. Every time I open a SB I have to go find my package. This is getting tedious.


In Envy, the AppManager would open focused on the Default App. Store still has the notion of Default App (Package.) Can’t it open focused on it?


Charles Adams

Software Developer IV, ECP

1100 W Campbell Rd

Richardson, TX 75080 

Ph. 469.624.4688

Cell: 214.502.4693


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Re: VW 7.x

Boris Popov, DeepCove Labs (SNN)



I use a variation of the below to filter my browsers,


candidates := #('Base VisualWorks' 'External*').

components := candidates

                                                inject: Set new

                                                into: [:set :pattern | set

                                                                                                addAll: (Store.Registry allPundles select: [:ea | pattern match: ea name])



                onEnvironment: Refactory.Browser.BrowserEnvironment new

                codeComponents: components) openEditor


There might be a way to set a default selection as well somewhere in the new environment.




From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Adams, Charles
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 1:12 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [vwnc] VW 7.x


Is it just me or does everyone get really tired of opening a System Browser and using Find to locate the package/class of current interest? I tend to work in one package at a time. Every time I open a SB I have to go find my package. This is getting tedious.


In Envy, the AppManager would open focused on the Default App. Store still has the notion of Default App (Package.) Can’t it open focused on it?


Charles Adams

Software Developer IV, ECP

1100 W Campbell Rd

Richardson, TX 75080 

Ph. 469.624.4688

Cell: 214.502.4693


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Re: VW 7.x

Stephen Pope
In reply to this post by Adams, Charles
<base href="x-msg://77/">

Sure -- I miss the old FullBrowser or even older PackageBrowser...


Stephen Travis Pope   Santa Barbara, California, USA    http://HeavenEverywhere.com    http://FASTLabInc.com

On Jan 29, 2011, at 10:12 AM, Adams, Charles wrote:

Is it just me or does everyone get really tired of opening a System Browser and using Find to locate the package/class of current interest? I tend to work in one package at a time. Every time I open a SB I have to go find my package. This is getting tedious.
In Envy, the AppManager would open focused on the Default App. Store still has the notion of Default App (Package.) Can’t it open focused on it?
Charles Adams
Software Developer IV, ECP
1100 W Campbell Rd
Richardson, TX 75080 

Ph. 469.624.4688
Cell: 214.502.4693
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