VW7.4 and Fonts

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VW7.4 and Fonts

Stew MacLean



I’ve now noticed that after increasing the pixel size to 18 there is a discernable difference in the look of the default System Widget fonts.


Under 7.4 the font appears slightly larger and more murky, whereas 7.2 appears a bit sharper.


However I’m not sure if it’s something I’ve done or if the default System (widget text) font has changed. (I have some Arbor parcels installed).


Digging around it looks like it’s using 'tahoma~16~400~0~0~0~ansi~0' within 7.4 and

'System~16~700~0~0~0~ansi~1' in 7.2. (via LookPreferences widgetPolicy lookPolicyClass systemWidgetTextStyle).


I would very much appreciate it if someone could confirm whether this is the case or not, as I really don’t like the way it looks under 7.4.


Also how do I go about setting the system widget text font for the system as a whole, once I establish what the difference is?



