[VW7.5][Bug] ResizingSplitter doesn't double buffer causing background color to not stick

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[VW7.5][Bug] ResizingSplitter doesn't double buffer causing background color to not stick

Stew MacLean



When double buffering is loaded, the splitters don’t display the background color they have been set.


The fix is:


ResizingSplitterView>> displayOn: aGraphicsContext


            "Override so that the doubled buffered graphics context gets used.

            Otherwise background color gets written directly to the screen graphics context,  which subsequently

            gets overwritten by the bufferred context which uses the main window background color. 11/07/07 SIM."


            self clearInsideOn: aGraphicsContext




ResizingSplitterView>> clearInsideOn: aGraphicsContext


            "Erase the receiver's bounding box with the backgroundColor.  This will not respect occlusion and will only work with tiled views.

            New version of clearInside, that passes in the doubled buffered graphics context.

            Otherwise background color gets written directly to the screen graphics context, which subsequently

            gets overwritten by the bufferred context which uses the main window background color. 11/07/07 SIM."


            aGraphicsContext paint: self backgroundColor.

            aGraphicsContext displayRectangle: aGraphicsContext clippingBounds



