[VW7.5] [Mac OS X] Upgrading Gotcha

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[VW7.5] [Mac OS X] Upgrading Gotcha

Stew MacLean



After many hours of trying to figure out why my 7.5 base image failed to start (which involved getting to grips with some Mac idiosyncrasies) (when I had a perfectly working 7.4 windows packaged image) I’ve discovered that it is inadvisable to assume that your 7.4 .rtp file will package correctly under 7.5.


For the gory details: refer to CStructureLayout, which is contingent on 7.4, but kept in 7.5.


The implication being that if you use your 7.4 .rtp file in 7.5, due to changes in CStructureLayout class>>installOn: your image will fail to start, or rather it will start briefly then exit (as the twoFourLayout is no longer packaged, to dire consequence).


So, either regenerate your .rtp file or ensure that this class and its methods are kept in packaging.


No pain, no gain == upgrading?



