VW7.6 stackedWindows returns empty collection on 64 bit Win7

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VW7.6 stackedWindows returns empty collection on 64 bit Win7

Mark Pirogovsky-3
I came across strange anomaly with the VW 7.6c Vm on the Windows 7 64 bit.

"Screen default stackedWindows" returns empty collection.  When executed
on any other versions of Windows like XP, Vista, Vista 64 it returns a
collection of windows.

Does anybody have any explanation and/or work around for this?


--Mark Pirogovsky

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Re: VW7.6 stackedWindows returns empty collection on 64 bit Win7

Holger Kleinsorgen-4
I cannot reproduce this error.

Am 10.06.2010 20:07, schrieb Mark Pirogovsky:
> I came across strange anomaly with the VW 7.6c Vm on the Windows 7 64 bit.
> "Screen default stackedWindows" returns empty collection. When executed
> on any other versions of Windows like XP, Vista, Vista 64 it returns a
> collection of windows.
> Does anybody have any explanation and/or work around for this?
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Re: VW7.6 stackedWindows returns empty collection on 64 bit Win7

Steven Kelly
In reply to this post by Mark Pirogovsky-3
You should probably try running the 7.7a VM now that is out.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of Mark Pirogovsky
> Sent: 10. kesäkuuta 2010 21:08
> To: vwnc
> Subject: [vwnc] VW7.6 stackedWindows returns empty collection on 64 bit
> Win7
> I came across strange anomaly with the VW 7.6c Vm on the Windows 7 64
> bit.
> "Screen default stackedWindows" returns empty collection.  When
> executed
> on any other versions of Windows like XP, Vista, Vista 64 it returns a
> collection of windows.
> Does anybody have any explanation and/or work around for this?
> Regards,
> --Mark Pirogovsky
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