Validate submit timeout ?

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Validate submit timeout ?
Hi All,
when i  call: ((someDescription asComponentOn: aModel)   
                    addMessage: anString;
somtime i have strange answer ( HTTP 500 )  when press the submit buttons.
I have do some test and i think :
        if someDescription size are big,
             the system after some timeout  answer error.
It's correct ?
How i can set it?
Or there is other consideration about the error ?

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Validate submit timeout ?

Lukas Renggli
> somtime i have strange answer ( HTTP 500 )  when press the submit buttons.

How does the body of this response look like? Is there some
information on what kind of internal error was thrown?

Lukas Renggli

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Validate submit timeout ?

<    How does the body of this response look like? Is there some
>    information on what kind of internal error was thrown?

No the browser display a generic error.

I do some test but i found different conclusion.

In the test i display the same web page, based on some description.
I press the submit button when some description addCondition: are false.
And when pres / represe the submit button ( with no change on input data )
the answer change( sometime ok , somtime with error )

I have Squeak image " the server " on a notebook.

A) When i do web request from the notebook ( Internet Explorer 6.0 ) rarely
i have error : HTTP-500.

B) When i do request from an another PC in a local network  with Windows XP
and Internet Explorer 7.0 frequently i have error.
        The browser display a page with generic error : " Internet Explorer:
impossibile visualizzare la pagina -> i can't dispaly the page"

C) When i do request from anotehr PC in a local network with Ubuntu and
Firefox 3.0.8    sometimes i found the error:

       " Connection Interrupped
        The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

        The network link was interruped while negotiating a connection.
           please try again.  "

I hope you understand my indication.


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Validate submit timeout ?

Lukas Renggli
> <    How does the body of this response look like? Is there some
>>   information on what kind of internal error was thrown?
> No the browser display a generic error.

Could you try locally with FireFox, because IE does sometimes not
display the original messages.

> C) When i do request from anotehr PC in a local network with Ubuntu and
> Firefox 3.0.8    sometimes i found the error:
>      " Connection Interrupped
>       The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
>       The network link was interruped while negotiating a connection.
>          please try again.  "

I don't remember ever encountering such a message. What kind of image
are you using? Can you reproduce with some other web app that does not
use Magritte (it does not look to me like this has anything to do with


Lukas Renggli

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...