Version code Iceberg

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Version code Iceberg

Benoit Verhaeghe

Do you know how to create project with a stable version and a development version with Iceberg ( git ).

I didn't find example on the internet.

Thanks a lot
Benoit Verhaeghe

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Re: Version code Iceberg

Like all git projects with 2 branches: one master and one dev.

Envoyé de mon iPhone

> Le 10 juil. 2017 à 18:28, Benoit Verhaeghe <[hidden email]> a écrit :
> Hi,
> Do you know how to create project with a stable version and a development version with Iceberg ( git ).
> I didn't find example on the internet.
> Thanks a lot
> Benoit Verhaeghe

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Re: Version code Iceberg

In reply to this post by Benoit Verhaeghe
Le 10/07/2017 à 19:28, Benoit Verhaeghe a écrit :
> Hi,
> Do you know how to create project with a stable version and a development version with Iceberg ( git ).


In the configurations of Metacello you need to define the dependencies
of your project and the versions because Monticello does not manage this.

With git, the versions are managed by git. Thus, the baselines of
Metacello only define the dependencies.

So, #stable and #development versions are managed by git features.

In my project I have a #master branch that should always be stable and a
#development branch. I also have 1 branch/ big feature to implement.

Then, when you load your code or add a dependency in a baseline, you can
use an URL like: 'github://user/project:x/dir'

Here x can be:
- The SHA of a commit (as a31a869)
- The name of a branch (as #master or #development)
- A tag/release (as #v1.2.5)

> I didn't find example on the internet.
> Thanks a lot
> Benoit Verhaeghe

Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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