View resource hex string question

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View resource hex string question

Bill Schwab-2
Hello all,

What's the best way to load an old view resource from its hex string?
Obviously, the view resource in question couldn't be really old, or it would
be in an all-STB .pac file.  Actually, the view that prompted this question
was that old, and I loaded it into a 3.06 image to get a look at it.  But in
general, my goal would be to load the view into a view composer _without_
updating/overwriting any current view resources.  Is there a way to do that?

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: View resource hex string question

Andy Bower

> What's the best way to load an old view resource from its hex string?
> Obviously, the view resource in question couldn't be really old, or it
> be in an all-STB .pac file.  Actually, the view that prompted this
> was that old, and I loaded it into a 3.06 image to get a look at it.  But
> general, my goal would be to load the view into a view composer _without_
> updating/overwriting any current view resources.  Is there a way to do

Unless I'm missing something, can't you save the string out to a file with
.VU extension and then use the ViewComposer's import command to bring it
into Dolphin?

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: View resource hex string question

Bill Schwab-2

> Unless I'm missing something, can't you save the string out to a file with
> .VU extension and then use the ViewComposer's import command to bring it
> into Dolphin?

That will work.  Even if .vu files are still expected to be STB, I could
"unhex" the string and do what you describe.



Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]