Hi Andy, Blair,
If you add two overlapping sibling views using the ViewComposer their drawing order is wrong. If you compare the preview in the ViewComposer with the actual test window it's obvious. It seems that the WM_PRINT route the ViewComposer is taking has some additional limitations. After playing around a little bit it seems, that WM_PRINT either uses a reversed drawing order for sibling views or (not tested) doesn't care about clipping windows. A few quick experiments lead me to PrintWindow() which seems to work quite well but is just available on WXP. Normally this "mis-"behaviour shouldn't be a problem ... however If you are working with transparent/translucent overlayed views it's hard to position them, if you don't see them. I attached some TestCases for the problem. I hope this helps. Regards, Udo -->8--SNIP---->8--SNIP---->8--SNIP---->8--SNIP---->8--SNIP-- | package | package := Package name: 'US WM_PRINT Testcase'. package paxVersion: 1; basicComment: ''. package classNames add: #WmPrintTest; yourself. package methodNames add: #UserLibrary -> #printWindow:hdcBlt:nFlags:; add: #View -> #printWindow; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: '..\..\Object Arts\Dolphin\Base\Dolphin'; add: '..\..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Presenters\Color\Dolphin Color Presenter'; add: '..\..\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Base\Dolphin MVP Base'; add: '..\..\Camp Smalltalk\SUnit\SUnit'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! TestCase subclass: #WmPrintTest instanceVariableNames: 'wmPrintDib screenshotDib printWindowDib' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: 'Win32Constants' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! !UserLibrary methodsFor! printWindow: hwnd hdcBlt: hdcBlt nFlags: nFlags "The PrintWindow function copies a visual window into the specified device context (DC), typically a printer DC. BOOL PrintWindow( HWND hwnd, // Window to copy HDC hdcBlt, // HDC to print into UINT nFlags // Optional flags );" <stdcall: bool PrintWindow handle handle dword> ^self invalidCall! ! !UserLibrary categoriesFor: #printWindow:hdcBlt:nFlags:!public! ! !View methodsFor! printWindow | bitmap | bitmap := Bitmap compatible: self canvas extent: self extent. UserLibrary default printWindow: self asParameter hdcBlt: bitmap canvas asParameter nFlags: 0. ^bitmap! ! !View categoriesFor: #printWindow!public! ! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! WmPrintTest guid: (GUID fromString: '{BB8DFB90-3268-4D5D-B87E-2DEE12E8B90F}')! WmPrintTest comment: ''! !WmPrintTest categoriesForClass!SUnit! ! !WmPrintTest methodsFor! captureUsingPrintWindow: view printWindowDib := DIBSection width: view extent x height: view extent y depth: 32. (view printWindow) drawOn: printWindowDib canvas.! captureUsingScreenshot: view screenshotDib := DIBSection width: view extent x height: view extent y depth: 32. screenshotDib canvas bitBlt: View desktop canvas rectangle: ((view mapPoint: 0 @ 0 to: View desktop) extent: view extent) to: 0 @ 0 rop: SRCCOPY! captureUsingWmPrint: view wmPrintDib := DIBSection width: view extent x height: view extent y depth: 32. (Bitmap fromView: view) drawOn: wmPrintDib canvas! compareDib: dib1 with: dib2 | dib1Base dib2Base bm | self assert: (dib1 extent) = (dib2 extent) ; assert: (dib1 depth) = (dib2 depth). dib1Base := dib1 imageBits. dib2Base := dib2 imageBits. bm := dib1 getDIBSECTION dsBm. 0 to: bm bmHeight - 1 do: [:y | | lineOffset | lineOffset := y * bm bmWidthBytes. 0 to: bm bmWidth - 1 do: [:x | | offset | offset := lineOffset + (x * 4). self assert: (dib2Base dwordAtOffset: offset) = (dib1Base dwordAtOffset: offset)]]! createView | view | view := ContainerView show. view topShell extent: 100 @ 120. (view addSubView: ColorView new) position: 0 @ 0; extent: 75 @ 75; value: Color blue. (view addSubView: ColorView new) position: 25 @ 25; extent: 75 @ 75; value: Color red. ^view! setUp | view | view := self createView. SessionManager current inputState pumpMessages. self captureUsingWmPrint: view; captureUsingPrintWindow: view; captureUsingScreenshot: view. view topShell close! testPrintWindowEqualsWmPrint self compareDib: printWindowDib with: wmPrintDib! testWmPaintEqualsPrintWindow self compareDib: screenshotDib with: printWindowDib! testWmPaintEqualsWmPrint self compareDib: screenshotDib with: wmPrintDib! ! !WmPrintTest categoriesFor: #captureUsingPrintWindow:!private! ! !WmPrintTest categoriesFor: #captureUsingScreenshot:!private! ! !WmPrintTest categoriesFor: #captureUsingWmPrint:!private! ! !WmPrintTest categoriesFor: #compareDib:with:!private! ! !WmPrintTest categoriesFor: #createView!private! ! !WmPrintTest categoriesFor: #setUp!public! ! !WmPrintTest categoriesFor: #testPrintWindowEqualsWmPrint!public! ! !WmPrintTest categoriesFor: #testWmPaintEqualsPrintWindow!public! ! !WmPrintTest categoriesFor: #testWmPaintEqualsWmPrint!public! ! "Binary Globals"! |
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