ViewTabs question

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ViewTabs question


I'm having a problem detecting the name of the clicked tab (ViewTabs),
it always answer #viewMain.

I have a meta model, so all instances in my world are instance of the
same Smalltalk class: MetaModelInstance.

So i have only one App (MetaModelInstanceApp) for all objects.

I dynamically create tabs based on instances varibles that are

I rewrite the #performViewMethod: method, because i do not have
methods like #viewXXXX.

My #performViewMethod: only checks if aSymbol = #viewMain, if is the
case then i send super, if not i collect the name of the clicked tab
and then i access the inst var of the observee with this name. Finally
i dymacally check the properties of the aMetaModeInstance and generate
the page.

It worked well a couple of minutes but then started to answer always
#viewMain and it does not matter the tab that you click on.

I traced to #printCurrentWebView and the view name is #viewMain

I'm little confused because it works pretty well and it was pretty
easy to develop (like everything in AIDA) but now i can not find why is
doing this ?

Any general idea why a tab click always return #viewMain ?

In the explorer the address is correct "http://localhost:


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