Visualizing a repository tree

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Re: Understanding edge connections and tree layout (it was Re: Visualizing a repository tree)

Thanks Alexandre and Nicolai,

Now with a modified version of the script at I get the result below at the left, which has practically the same topology of the original fossil timeline tree below at right. Now I would like to change the edge length so it can convey commit date information (when commit happens) and look even more similar. I will make some test with RTMultiLine and orthoVertical shapes for edges, but any pointer to edge length variation and node distance examples will be greatly appreciated.

Finally about why "parents" instead of "parent" I try to use the same terms in the Json file export for the properties imported in the object. I imagine that if a commit is a merge of several branches, it could have several parents. I will test with more complicated trees to test if this case prompts.



On 20/06/15 12:46, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Hi Offray,

The problem is rather easy to solve. Consider this script:

timeline := FossilTimeline new.
timeline importFromUrl:  ''.

view := RTMondrian new.
view nodes: timeline commits.
view edges
    connectFrom: #parents.
view layout tree.

Apparently, each fossil commit has a parent. The parent could be nil (which is okay).
Why do you call the variable “parents” and not “parent” ?


On Jun 19, 2015, at 9:41 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas [hidden email] wrote:


Could you please run this:

"Adapted from:"
| view timeline |

"Loading package for working with fossil"
"Integration with external tools"
Gofer new 
    smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio';
    package: 'Grafoscopio-ExternalTools';

"Extracting data"
timeline := FossilTimeline new.
timeline importFromUrl:  ''.

view := RTMondrian new.
view nodes: timeline commits.
view edges
    connectFrom: [#parents first].
view layout tree.
"(timeline commits at: 1) parents first"

At the end you will get a set of squares visualized like this ones:

^Up Graphic 1: Trying to understand edges.

These squares are representations of FossilCommits objects imported from a Json file, and the "connectFrom: [#parents first]" is the line I'm having problems with. "#parents first" is the message I send to each node to know its parents in that very collection of commits, so I imagined that if I put that as the block argument for "connectFrom" I would get a nice tree, similar to the graphic 2 below. I don't get what's happening here or what I'm missing.

^ Up Graphic 2: A nicely drawn mondrian tree layout for RTLayout.

Any help on how to get tree like visualizations for this Fossil objects would be greatly appreciated.



Ps: Something was happening with this morning at 7:00 (GMT -5) and trying to publish a workspace gives a 500 error.

On 16/06/15 16:08, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
I am not really following. Hard to guess here.

Can you make the image accessible for me? I can then have a closer look at it.


On Jun 15, 2015, at 3:18 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas [hidden email]

Hi all. Is me again :),

I have being fighting all this morning trying to bet a better understanding of edge connections and tree layouts. I'm making some progress, but still I don't grasp it. At [1] you can find my starting example. So far, so good, so I created my own variation for my own data at [2]. My main issue is the #connectFrom message argument. If you uncomment the last line of [1] you will see that sending the #superclass message gives me an object that is of the same kind that the ones have been added to the view previously and I imagine that the reason they can be connected in a tree. With the example at [2] the message [#parents first] gives me a fossil commit object, but if I ran the code, the nodes are unconnected. What I'm missing?





On 15/06/15 06:47, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your quick answer. I was pretty curious about trying to implement some of this ideas, but only until today I had the proper time to do it. I ran your code and now I'm trying to translate the ideas on it to my problem: Drawing a tree for the story of a fossil repository. 

First, using the procedure at [1] I was able to export a fossil commit repo history as Json and by running the script at [2] I was able to get a small set of dots, which represent dictionaries with all commit data, including ancestors for each node, like the attached screenshot shows. In the video at [3] at 1:06 min, seems that lays the key for my visualization, but for that I need to create a fossil commit object that can understand the #ancestor message. Because I already have them as dictionaries thanks to NeoJson, seems that I'm really close to get the visualization I'm looking for. I hope to work on it this morning and return to the list with data visualizations or more questions.






On 02/06/15 05:09, Peter Uhnák wrote:

HI Offray,

I gave it a quick bash and come up with the following code. It's just a prototype and could be greatly simplified.

- MCVersionInfo ancestors for whatever reason returned empty array down the line (so its cut off at the end), but I didn't investigate the problem
- edge building and possibly ancestor retrieval could be simplified with builders; I think RTMondrian has methods for it but can't remember exactly (agilevisualization mentioned RTGraphBuilder but that has been removed to my knowledge)

mc := MCSmalltalkhubRepository allInstances detect: [ :m | m project = 'Roassal2' ].

root := mc versionInfoFromFileNamed: mc readableFileNames first.

family := Set new.
retriever := nil.
retriever := [ :child |
 family add: child.
 child ancestors do: [ :a | retriever value: a ]
retriever value: root.
obs := family asGroup.

v := RTView new.
es := RTEllipse new size: 15; color: Color blue; elementsOn: obs.
v addAll: es.

edges := RTEdge
 buildEdgesFromObjects: obs
 from: #yourself
 toAll: #ancestors
 using: (RTArrowedLine new withShorterDistanceAttachPoint; color: Color red)
 scope: es.
v addAll: edges.

es @ RTDraggable.
es @ (RTLabelled new text: [ :m | m nameWithout: 'Roassal2' ]).

v @ RTDraggableView.
v @ RTZoomableView.

RTDominanceTreeLayout new
 verticalGap: 30;
 horizontalGap: 15;
 on: es.

v open

<Mail Attachment.png>


On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 5:39 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
[hidden email]

On a closer detail, seems that [1] contains the starting point I'm looking for. I'll keep you posted and of course any other approach will be listened.




On 01/06/15 22:04, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi all,

I had asked a similar question before with no much advances, but today I made a discovery that can improve the things a lot: how to export timeline data as structured JSON [1] (and of course this open the possibility to work with it on Pharo). Now I would like to graph the data as a tree with forks, merges and dates and authors of commits. I have seen chronia, but seems overkill for this feature (and is integrated with CVS only).


As usual, any pointer on how to get this going will be greatly appreciated and I will give feedback to the community on how to do it.





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Chaning node colors in a RTMondrian view (It was Re: Understanding edge connections and tree layout)

Hi again :),

I would like to start a new exploration: How to change the color of the nodes in the RTMondrian view. The examples in the agile visualization book are with RTView, and I have seen some examples at the object profile gallery, but I would like to start with something simpler. So if I have the code running at [1], how can I change the color of the nodes on the tree to reflect some property of the node?




Ps: By the way, inspired by Wolfram's Tweet a Program ( and Sven's elegant code examples, I'm trying to "package and share" some examples of the knowledge we build here to the external world in Twitter with the hashtag #PharoTip. Something like  See for example:

On 20/06/15 13:44, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Thanks Alexandre and Nicolai,

Now with a modified version of the script at I get the result below at the left, which has practically the same topology of the original fossil timeline tree below at right. Now I would like to change the edge length so it can convey commit date information (when commit happens) and look even more similar. I will make some test with RTMultiLine and orthoVertical shapes for edges, but any pointer to edge length variation and node distance examples will be greatly appreciated.

Finally about why "parents" instead of "parent" I try to use the same terms in the Json file export for the properties imported in the object. I imagine that if a commit is a merge of several branches, it could have several parents. I will test with more complicated trees to test if this case prompts.



On 20/06/15 12:46, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Hi Offray,

The problem is rather easy to solve. Consider this script:

timeline := FossilTimeline new.
timeline importFromUrl:  ''.

view := RTMondrian new.
view nodes: timeline commits.
view edges
    connectFrom: #parents.
view layout tree.

Apparently, each fossil commit has a parent. The parent could be nil (which is okay).
Why do you call the variable “parents” and not “parent” ?


On Jun 19, 2015, at 9:41 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas [hidden email] wrote:


Could you please run this:

"Adapted from:"
| view timeline |

"Loading package for working with fossil"
"Integration with external tools"
Gofer new 
    smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio';
    package: 'Grafoscopio-ExternalTools';

"Extracting data"
timeline := FossilTimeline new.
timeline importFromUrl:  ''.

view := RTMondrian new.
view nodes: timeline commits.
view edges
    connectFrom: [#parents first].
view layout tree.
"(timeline commits at: 1) parents first"

At the end you will get a set of squares visualized like this ones:

^Up Graphic 1: Trying to understand edges.

These squares are representations of FossilCommits objects imported from a Json file, and the "connectFrom: [#parents first]" is the line I'm having problems with. "#parents first" is the message I send to each node to know its parents in that very collection of commits, so I imagined that if I put that as the block argument for "connectFrom" I would get a nice tree, similar to the graphic 2 below. I don't get what's happening here or what I'm missing.

^ Up Graphic 2: A nicely drawn mondrian tree layout for RTLayout.

Any help on how to get tree like visualizations for this Fossil objects would be greatly appreciated.



Ps: Something was happening with this morning at 7:00 (GMT -5) and trying to publish a workspace gives a 500 error.

On 16/06/15 16:08, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
I am not really following. Hard to guess here.

Can you make the image accessible for me? I can then have a closer look at it.


On Jun 15, 2015, at 3:18 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas [hidden email]

Hi all. Is me again :),

I have being fighting all this morning trying to bet a better understanding of edge connections and tree layouts. I'm making some progress, but still I don't grasp it. At [1] you can find my starting example. So far, so good, so I created my own variation for my own data at [2]. My main issue is the #connectFrom message argument. If you uncomment the last line of [1] you will see that sending the #superclass message gives me an object that is of the same kind that the ones have been added to the view previously and I imagine that the reason they can be connected in a tree. With the example at [2] the message [#parents first] gives me a fossil commit object, but if I ran the code, the nodes are unconnected. What I'm missing?





On 15/06/15 06:47, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your quick answer. I was pretty curious about trying to implement some of this ideas, but only until today I had the proper time to do it. I ran your code and now I'm trying to translate the ideas on it to my problem: Drawing a tree for the story of a fossil repository. 

First, using the procedure at [1] I was able to export a fossil commit repo history as Json and by running the script at [2] I was able to get a small set of dots, which represent dictionaries with all commit data, including ancestors for each node, like the attached screenshot shows. In the video at [3] at 1:06 min, seems that lays the key for my visualization, but for that I need to create a fossil commit object that can understand the #ancestor message. Because I already have them as dictionaries thanks to NeoJson, seems that I'm really close to get the visualization I'm looking for. I hope to work on it this morning and return to the list with data visualizations or more questions.






On 02/06/15 05:09, Peter Uhnák wrote:

HI Offray,

I gave it a quick bash and come up with the following code. It's just a prototype and could be greatly simplified.

- MCVersionInfo ancestors for whatever reason returned empty array down the line (so its cut off at the end), but I didn't investigate the problem
- edge building and possibly ancestor retrieval could be simplified with builders; I think RTMondrian has methods for it but can't remember exactly (agilevisualization mentioned RTGraphBuilder but that has been removed to my knowledge)

mc := MCSmalltalkhubRepository allInstances detect: [ :m | m project = 'Roassal2' ].

root := mc versionInfoFromFileNamed: mc readableFileNames first.

family := Set new.
retriever := nil.
retriever := [ :child |
 family add: child.
 child ancestors do: [ :a | retriever value: a ]
retriever value: root.
obs := family asGroup.

v := RTView new.
es := RTEllipse new size: 15; color: Color blue; elementsOn: obs.
v addAll: es.

edges := RTEdge
 buildEdgesFromObjects: obs
 from: #yourself
 toAll: #ancestors
 using: (RTArrowedLine new withShorterDistanceAttachPoint; color: Color red)
 scope: es.
v addAll: edges.

es @ RTDraggable.
es @ (RTLabelled new text: [ :m | m nameWithout: 'Roassal2' ]).

v @ RTDraggableView.
v @ RTZoomableView.

RTDominanceTreeLayout new
 verticalGap: 30;
 horizontalGap: 15;
 on: es.

v open

<Mail Attachment.png>


On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 5:39 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
[hidden email]

On a closer detail, seems that [1] contains the starting point I'm looking for. I'll keep you posted and of course any other approach will be listened.




On 01/06/15 22:04, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi all,

I had asked a similar question before with no much advances, but today I made a discovery that can improve the things a lot: how to export timeline data as structured JSON [1] (and of course this open the possibility to work with it on Pharo). Now I would like to graph the data as a tree with forks, merges and dates and authors of commits. I have seen chronia, but seems overkill for this feature (and is integrated with CVS only).


As usual, any pointer on how to get this going will be greatly appreciated and I will give feedback to the community on how to do it.



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Re: Understanding edge connections and tree layout (it was Re: Visualizing a repository tree)

In reply to this post by Offray

I do not recommend to use Mondrian for doing what you need. Actually, I suggest to make your own layout. 
You may want to check the following code example:

classes := RTShape withAllSubclasses.

oldestAge := (classes collect: #ageInDays) max.

v := RTView new.
v @ RTDraggableView.
classes doWithIndex: [ :c :index |
elements := RTEllipse new elementsOn: c methods.
v addAll: elements.
RTMetricNormalizer new
elements: elements;
normalizeX: #ageInDaysAsInteger min: 0 max: 200 minValue: 0 maxValue: oldestAge.
elements translateBy: 0 @ (index * 10).
RTEdgeBuilder new
view: v;
linkElements: elements.

I guess it is kind of close of what you need.


On Jun 20, 2015, at 3:44 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thanks Alexandre and Nicolai,

Now with a modified version of the script at I get the result below at the left, which has practically the same topology of the original fossil timeline tree below at right. Now I would like to change the edge length so it can convey commit date information (when commit happens) and look even more similar. I will make some test with RTMultiLine and orthoVertical shapes for edges, but any pointer to edge length variation and node distance examples will be greatly appreciated. 

Finally about why "parents" instead of "parent" I try to use the same terms in the Json file export for the properties imported in the object. I imagine that if a commit is a merge of several branches, it could have several parents. I will test with more complicated trees to test if this case prompts.




On 20/06/15 12:46, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Hi Offray,

The problem is rather easy to solve. Consider this script:

timeline := FossilTimeline new.
timeline importFromUrl:  '

view := RTMondrian new.
view nodes: timeline commits.
view edges
    connectFrom: #parents.
view layout tree.

Apparently, each fossil commit has a parent. The parent could be nil (which is okay).
Why do you call the variable “parents” and not “parent” ?


On Jun 19, 2015, at 9:41 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>


Could you please run this:

"Adapted from:
| view timeline |

"Loading package for working with fossil"
"Integration with external tools"
Gofer new 
    smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio';
    package: 'Grafoscopio-ExternalTools';

"Extracting data"
timeline := FossilTimeline new.
timeline importFromUrl:  '

view := RTMondrian new.
view nodes: timeline commits.
view edges
    connectFrom: [#parents first].
view layout tree.
"(timeline commits at: 1) parents first"

At the end you will get a set of squares visualized like this ones:

^Up Graphic 1: Trying to understand edges.

These squares are representations of FossilCommits objects imported from a Json file, and the "connectFrom: [#parents first]" is the line I'm having problems with. "#parents first" is the message I send to each node to know its parents in that very collection of commits, so I imagined that if I put that as the block argument for "connectFrom" I would get a nice tree, similar to the graphic 2 below. I don't get what's happening here or what I'm missing.

^ Up Graphic 2: A nicely drawn mondrian tree layout for RTLayout.

Any help on how to get tree like visualizations for this Fossil objects would be greatly appreciated.



Ps: Something was happening with this morning at 7:00 (GMT -5) and trying to publish a workspace gives a 500 error.

On 16/06/15 16:08, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

I am not really following. Hard to guess here.

Can you make the image accessible for me? I can then have a closer look at it.


On Jun 15, 2015, at 3:18 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>


Hi all. Is me again :),

I have being fighting all this morning trying to bet a better understanding of edge connections and tree layouts. I'm making some progress, but still I don't grasp it. At [1] you can find my starting example. So far, so good, so I created my own variation for my own data at [2]. My main issue is the #connectFrom message argument. If you uncomment the last line of [1] you will see that sending the #superclass message gives me an object that is of the same kind that the ones have been added to the view previously and I imagine that the reason they can be connected in a tree. With the example at [2] the message [#parents first] gives me a fossil commit object, but if I ran the code, the nodes are unconnected. What I'm missing?





On 15/06/15 06:47, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your quick answer. I was pretty curious about trying to implement some of this ideas, but only until today I had the proper time to do it. I ran your code and now I'm trying to translate the ideas on it to my problem: Drawing a tree for the story of a fossil repository. 

First, using the procedure at [1] I was able to export a fossil commit repo history as Json and by running the script at [2] I was able to get a small set of dots, which represent dictionaries with all commit data, including ancestors for each node, like the attached screenshot shows. In the video at [3] at 1:06 min, seems that lays the key for my visualization, but for that I need to create a fossil commit object that can understand the #ancestor message. Because I already have them as dictionaries thanks to NeoJson, seems that I'm really close to get the visualization I'm looking for. I hope to work on it this morning and return to the list with data visualizations or more questions.






On 02/06/15 05:09, Peter Uhnák wrote:

HI Offray,

I gave it a quick bash and come up with the following code. It's just a prototype and could be greatly simplified.

- MCVersionInfo ancestors for whatever reason returned empty array down the line (so its cut off at the end), but I didn't investigate the problem
- edge building and possibly ancestor retrieval could be simplified with builders; I think RTMondrian has methods for it but can't remember exactly (agilevisualization mentioned RTGraphBuilder but that has been removed to my knowledge)

mc := MCSmalltalkhubRepository allInstances detect: [ :m | m project = 'Roassal2' ].

root := mc versionInfoFromFileNamed: mc readableFileNames first.

family := Set new.
retriever := nil.
retriever := [ :child |
 family add: child.
 child ancestors do: [ :a | retriever value: a ]
retriever value: root.
obs := family asGroup.

v := RTView new.
es := RTEllipse new size: 15; color: Color blue; elementsOn: obs.
v addAll: es.

edges := RTEdge
 buildEdgesFromObjects: obs
 from: #yourself
 toAll: #ancestors
 using: (RTArrowedLine new withShorterDistanceAttachPoint; color: Color red)
 scope: es.
v addAll: edges.

es @ RTDraggable.
es @ (RTLabelled new text: [ :m | m nameWithout: 'Roassal2' ]).

v @ RTDraggableView.
v @ RTZoomableView.

RTDominanceTreeLayout new
 verticalGap: 30;
 horizontalGap: 15;
 on: es.

v open

<Mail Attachment.png>


On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 5:39 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 

<[hidden email]>


On a closer detail, seems that [1] contains the starting point I'm looking for. I'll keep you posted and of course any other approach will be listened.




On 01/06/15 22:04, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi all,

I had asked a similar question before with no much advances, but today I made a discovery that can improve the things a lot: how to export timeline data as structured JSON [1] (and of course this open the possibility to work with it on Pharo). Now I would like to graph the data as a tree with forks, merges and dates and authors of commits. I have seen chronia, but seems overkill for this feature (and is integrated with CVS only).


As usual, any pointer on how to get this going will be greatly appreciated and I will give feedback to the community on how to do it.



Alexandre Bergel

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Re: Chaning node colors in a RTMondrian view (It was Re: Understanding edge connections and tree layout)

In reply to this post by Offray
Hi Offray,

Rather easy. Simply use a new shape.
For example:
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle 
size: [ :cls | cls numberOfMethods log * 10 ];
color: (Color red alpha: 0.5).
b nodes: RTObject withAllSubclasses.
b layout flow.

Another example:
classes := RTObject withAllSubclasses.
largestNumberOfMethods := (classes collect: #numberOfMethods) max.
colorNormalizer := 
RTMultiLinearColor new
colors: (ColorPalette sequential colors: 8 scheme: 'Reds');
command: [ :cls | cls numberOfMethods / largestNumberOfMethods ].
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape circle 
size: [ :cls | cls numberOfMethods log * 10 ];
color: colorNormalizer.
b nodes: classes.
b layout flow.

Many more example are available in the mondrian example class.
Have you tried: RTMondrianExample inspect


On Jun 20, 2015, at 9:03 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi again :),

I would like to start a new exploration: How to change the color of the nodes in the RTMondrian view. The examples in the agile visualization book are with RTView, and I have seen some examples at the object profile gallery, but I would like to start with something simpler. So if I have the code running at [1], how can I change the color of the nodes on the tree to reflect some property of the node?




Ps: By the way, inspired by Wolfram's Tweet a Program ( and Sven's elegant code examples, I'm trying to "package and share" some examples of the knowledge we build here to the external world in Twitter with the hashtag #PharoTip. Something like  See for example:

On 20/06/15 13:44, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Thanks Alexandre and Nicolai,

Now with a modified version of the script at I get the result below at the left, which has practically the same topology of the original fossil timeline tree below at right. Now I would like to change the edge length so it can convey commit date information (when commit happens) and look even more similar. I will make some test with RTMultiLine and orthoVertical shapes for edges, but any pointer to edge length variation and node distance examples will be greatly appreciated. 

Finally about why "parents" instead of "parent" I try to use the same terms in the Json file export for the properties imported in the object. I imagine that if a commit is a merge of several       branches, it could have several parents. I will test with more complicated trees to test if this case prompts.

<Mail Attachment.png><Mail Attachment.png> 



On 20/06/15 12:46, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Hi Offray,

The problem is rather easy to solve. Consider this script:

timeline := FossilTimeline new.
timeline importFromUrl:  '

view := RTMondrian new.
view nodes: timeline commits.
view edges
    connectFrom: #parents.
view layout tree.

Apparently, each fossil commit has a parent. The parent could be nil (which is okay).
Why do you call the variable “parents” and not “parent” ?


On Jun 19, 2015, at 9:41 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>


Could you please run this:

"Adapted from:
| view timeline |

"Loading package for working with fossil"
"Integration with external tools"
Gofer new 
    smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio';
    package: 'Grafoscopio-ExternalTools';

"Extracting data"
timeline := FossilTimeline new.
timeline importFromUrl:  '

view := RTMondrian new.
view nodes: timeline commits.
view edges
    connectFrom: [#parents first].
view layout tree.
"(timeline commits at: 1) parents first"

At the end you will get a set of squares visualized like this ones:

^Up Graphic 1: Trying to understand edges.

These squares are representations of FossilCommits objects imported from a Json file, and the "connectFrom: [#parents first]" is the line I'm having problems with. "#parents first" is the message I send to each node to know its parents in that very collection of commits, so I imagined that if I put that as the block argument for "connectFrom" I would get a nice tree, similar to the graphic 2 below. I don't get what's happening here or what I'm missing.

^ Up Graphic 2: A nicely drawn mondrian tree layout for RTLayout.

Any help on how to get tree like visualizations for this Fossil objects would be greatly appreciated.



Ps: Something was happening with this morning at 7:00 (GMT -5) and trying to publish a workspace gives a 500 error.

On 16/06/15 16:08, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

I am not really following. Hard to guess here.

Can you make the image accessible for me? I can then have a closer look at it.


On Jun 15, 2015, at 3:18 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]>


Hi all. Is me again :),

I have being fighting all this morning trying to bet a better understanding of edge connections and tree layouts. I'm making some progress, but still I don't grasp it. At [1] you can find my starting example. So far, so good, so I created my own variation for my own data at [2]. My main issue is the #connectFrom message argument. If you uncomment the last line of [1] you will see that sending the #superclass message gives me an object that is of the same kind that the ones have been added to the view previously and I imagine that the reason they can be connected in a tree. With the example at [2] the message [#parents first] gives me a fossil commit object, but if I ran the code, the nodes are unconnected. What I'm missing?





On 15/06/15 06:47, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your quick answer. I was pretty curious about trying to implement some of this ideas, but only until today I had the proper time to do it. I ran your code and now I'm trying to translate the ideas on it to my problem: Drawing a tree for the story of a fossil repository. 

First, using the procedure at [1] I was able to export a fossil commit repo history as Json and by running the script at [2] I was able to get a small set of dots, which represent dictionaries with all commit data, including ancestors for each node, like the attached screenshot shows. In the video at [3] at 1:06 min, seems that lays the key for my visualization, but for that I need to create a fossil commit object that can understand the #ancestor message. Because I already have them as dictionaries thanks to NeoJson, seems that I'm really close to get the visualization I'm looking for. I hope to work on it this morning and return to the list with data visualizations or more questions.






On 02/06/15 05:09, Peter Uhnák wrote:

HI Offray,

I gave it a quick bash and come up with the following code. It's just a prototype and could be greatly simplified.

- MCVersionInfo ancestors for whatever reason returned empty array down the line (so its cut off at the end), but I didn't investigate the problem
- edge building and possibly ancestor retrieval could be simplified with builders; I think RTMondrian has methods for it but can't remember exactly (agilevisualization mentioned RTGraphBuilder but that has been removed to my knowledge)

mc := MCSmalltalkhubRepository allInstances detect: [ :m | m project = 'Roassal2' ].

root := mc versionInfoFromFileNamed: mc readableFileNames first.

family := Set new.
retriever := nil.
retriever := [ :child |
 family add: child.
 child ancestors do: [ :a | retriever value: a ]
retriever value: root.
obs := family asGroup.

v := RTView new.
es := RTEllipse new size: 15; color: Color blue; elementsOn: obs.
v addAll: es.

edges := RTEdge
 buildEdgesFromObjects: obs
 from: #yourself
 toAll: #ancestors
 using: (RTArrowedLine new withShorterDistanceAttachPoint; color: Color red)
 scope: es.
v addAll: edges.

es @ RTDraggable.
es @ (RTLabelled new text: [ :m | m nameWithout: 'Roassal2' ]).

v @ RTDraggableView.
v @ RTZoomableView.

RTDominanceTreeLayout new
 verticalGap: 30;
 horizontalGap: 15;
 on: es.

v open

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On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 5:39 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 

<[hidden email]>


On a closer detail, seems that [1] contains the starting point I'm looking for. I'll keep you posted and of course any other approach will be listened.




On 01/06/15 22:04, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi all,

I had asked a similar question before with no much advances, but today I made a discovery that can improve the things a lot: how to export timeline data as structured JSON [1] (and of course this open the possibility to work with it on Pharo). Now I would like to graph the data as a tree with forks, merges and dates and authors of commits. I have seen chronia, but seems overkill for this feature (and is integrated with CVS only).


As usual, any pointer on how to get this going will be greatly appreciated and I will give feedback to the community on how to do it.



Alexandre Bergel