[Voyage] Saving *ToMany references and dirty flag

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[Voyage] Saving *ToMany references and dirty flag

Esteban A. Maringolo
How do you deal with the saving (and thus deleting/update) of
dependant collections of a root (#isVoyageRoot) object?

Could it be done as a two pass save?
It is... to save first the object (like basicSave:id: now) and then
walk through all its VOMongoToManyDescription's to save them

Which leads to another issue, how do you know when an object is dirty
and needs to be saved?

Because if we do what I proposed above it doesn't seem to be a good
decision to save all referenced items everytime the root is saved.

I have a strong ORM-shaped mind, and it's hard to break that, but is
hard for me to have everything as part of a big document (BSON
document), particularly almost all my objects are roots.


Esteban A. Maringolo