Voyage and Association

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Voyage and Association


I am having trouble to persist in a Voyage repository Association formed
with a key being a non string object (let's say a Month) and value a non
basic object, instance of a model object.

So far, I have an error bsonTypeCode not understood on my value object.
I could implement bsonTypeCode, but I suspect I will have trouble too
with the key, as I see from Voyage code it is persisted as a String.

An idea how to overcome this (without modifying my model)?

Fuel was persisting it fine.



Dr. Geo

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Re: Voyage and Association

Hi Hilaire,

the thing is mongo is JSON based and in JSON dictionaries are key-string, value-anything so we cannot persist them “as is”.
To do that I use a trick which is convert them to collections before persisting, using a helper class that comes with Voyage-Mongo, VOMongoKeyPair.

For example, you could describe your dictionary attribute as this:

        ^VOToManyDescription new
                attributeName: 'value';
                convertNullTo: [ Dictionary new ];
                accessor: (MAPluggableAccessor
                        read: [ :anObject |
                                anObject value associations
                                        collect: [ :each | VOMongoKeyPair fromAssociation: each ] ]
                        write: [ :anObject :value | (value collect: #asAssociation) asDictionary ]);

hope this helps,


> On 1 Mar 2017, at 19:11, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having trouble to persist in a Voyage repository Association formed
> with a key being a non string object (let's say a Month) and value a non
> basic object, instance of a model object.
> So far, I have an error bsonTypeCode not understood on my value object.
> I could implement bsonTypeCode, but I suspect I will have trouble too
> with the key, as I see from Voyage code it is persisted as a String.
> An idea how to overcome this (without modifying my model)?
> Fuel was persisting it fine.
> Thanks
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo

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Re: Voyage and Association

It will, thanks

Le 01/03/2017 à 20:42, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :
> hope this helps,

Dr. Geo