Voyage hang

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Voyage hang


From a production image, built from script with the voyage configuration as:

>"External PROJECTS dependencies"
>spec project: 'voyage' with: [
> spec
> className: 'ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo';
> repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/voyage:master/mc';
> versionString: #stable.
> ].

The image is first configured and used to populate a MongoDB, but then
when doing a simple #selectAll on a persisted class of objets the image

It is really weird because the Mongo browser from the same image let me
see my database objects. So the MongoDB connection should be fine.

I can alt+. the image, so enclosed the debug log.

Any idea or direction to look at?



Dr. Geo

PharoDebug.log (32K) Download Attachment