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Freeman Mayberry
I was going through the Functional Seaside Test Suite (package name: Seaside-Tests-Functional) and I came across the Button test.  At first everything seemed fine but apparently the reset button is not supposed to do anything.  Or maybe it is, and mine is just not working for some reason.
I was wondering if there was a simple way to make the reset button do what it is supposed to do.  I looked up the beReset method and it just sets the type to reset, but then I got lost in the code.
renderResetOn: html
 html heading level2 with: 'Reset'.
 html paragraph: 'Clicking the button should not submit the form reset the value in "Input"'. (confusedly worded)
 html button beReset; with: 'Reset'
Please note that I am an extreme newbie to Seaside and I guess I am new to programming in general.


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