Another question regarding sessions.
I was looking at the modified Sushi Store example to use Magma. I see
there, that the WAStore class>>#initialize has changed to this:
| application |
application := self registerAsApplication: 'store'.
application configuration
addAncestor: WAMagmaConfiguration new.
^ application
My questions are:
1. Conceptually, what is an "ancestor" in the application configuration?
2. Why the initialization of the class is returning something,
particularly the application?
3. If I subclass a WAMagmaSession to add some extra information, for
instance the current user, in a MySession, what should be done in my
root component's #initialize method?
Should I still call the: "application addAncestor:
WAMagmaConfiguration new." and then call "application preferenceAt:
#sessionClass put: MySession" ?
I believe the WAMagmaConfiguration sets the session type to be
WAMagmaSession, so how should I use my own kind of session?
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