I have a problem with: WASimpleNavigation.
There are three tabs. Each one is render nicely.
Each tab has a list of objects. The last column of the list is
an image when clicked you access the clicked object in another component.
super initialize.
rolsList := WARolListComponent new.
activitiesList := WAActivityListComponent new.
statesList := WAStateListComponent new.
nav := WASimpleNavigation
add: activitiesList label: 'Activities';
add: rolsList label: 'Rols';
add: statesList label: 'States';
select: 'Activities'.
renderContentOn: html
rolsList list: model rols.
activitiesList list: model activities.
statesList list: model states.
html render: nav.
The problem is that the new opened component is create inside
the Tab, and I want the component in a new clean web page.
I tried with #show: and #call: and the method #children, but
with no luck. Still searching…
The other question is how to claim all process that fails
(because DNU) during development. I have a lot of useless walkbacks.
I’m searching this in the manuals.