WATagBrush>>class:if: with boolean and additional blocks

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WATagBrush>>class:if: with boolean and additional blocks

Torsten Bergmann
>What's the use case for this?

One can pass a block instead of a boolean which is more flexible since a block
can be passed around and (although defined/dynamically constructed elsewhere)
evaluated at rendering time.

>Do not assume #value is part of the Object protocol

No I do not assume that any object can be given - only booleans and
blocks. Thats where the name "aBooleanOrBlock" for the parameter came from.


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Re: WATagBrush>>class:if: with boolean and additional blocks

Philippe Marschall
On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 8:33 PM, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>What's the use case for this?
> One can pass a block instead of a boolean which is more flexible since a block
> can be passed around

So can booleans.

> and (although defined/dynamically constructed elsewhere)
> evaluated at rendering time.

I understand. Do you have a concrete example?

>>Do not assume #value is part of the Object protocol
> No I do not assume that any object can be given - only booleans and
> blocks. Thats where the name "aBooleanOrBlock" for the parameter came from.

I'm also not sure we can make this assumptions for booleans. If #value
isn't on Object why should it be on Boolean?

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Re: WATagBrush>>class:if: with boolean and additional blocks

Johan Brichau-2
I agree it’s a nice-to-have but, as Philippe mentions, it seems to raise incompatibility issues.
It is also not ugly to work around in your own app if you need it. In essence:

class: ‘hidden’ if: aBlock value

The #scriptBlock:if: message is different because it’s the script generation that goes into the block (it just made me think about it when you raised this). Without it, we need to do other stuff:

div := html div.
canWrite ifTrue:[ div script: (self generateScript)].
  with: [ … ]

The above is ugly and much nicer as follows:

html div
        scriptBlock: [self generateScript[ if: canWrite;
        with: [ …. ]

But I don’t like the name of the method ;-)


On 30 Dec 2013, at 21:42, Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 8:33 PM, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> What's the use case for this?
>> One can pass a block instead of a boolean which is more flexible since a block
>> can be passed around
> So can booleans.
>> and (although defined/dynamically constructed elsewhere)
>> evaluated at rendering time.
> I understand. Do you have a concrete example?
>>> Do not assume #value is part of the Object protocol
>> No I do not assume that any object can be given - only booleans and
>> blocks. Thats where the name "aBooleanOrBlock" for the parameter came from.
> I'm also not sure we can make this assumptions for booleans. If #value
> isn't on Object why should it be on Boolean?
> Cheers
> Philippe
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