trying to make work the resources
configurations in Seaside 2.8 with Jetsam and found that if one also "hacks"
WADispatcher not to use '/seaside/' but an empty string instead, then some
strange things happen to the requests of the resources.
Digging a little I reached
#encodePathOn: in WAUrl and saw that allways inserts a slash. You can judge this
as beign too much hacker, I don't know, but I was unable to found a better
solution than changing the Lukas version:
encodePathOn: aDocument
path ifNil: [ ^ self
aDocument nextPut: $/.
do: [ :each | aDocument urlEncoder nextPutAll: each
separatedBy: [ aDocument nextPut: $/ ]
to this
encodePathOn: aDocument
path ifNil: [ ^ self
path first ifNotEmpty: [aDocument nextPut: $/].
do: [ :each | aDocument urlEncoder nextPutAll: each
separatedBy: [ aDocument nextPut: $/ ]
Seems inocent but I really can't
tell if it is going to harm any app out there so please tell me if it will be
asimilated in seaside or I should use this in a private
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