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I notice that WAUrlEncoder does not encode $. as %2E.  WAUrlEncoder
specifically does not encode $.

It is an easy fix but I am wondering if this is an error or was this
done by design?


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Re: WAUrlEncoder

Philippe Marschall
2008/8/7 Squeaker <[hidden email]>:
> Greetings,
> I notice that WAUrlEncoder does not encode $. as %2E.  WAUrlEncoder
> specifically does not encode $.
> It is an easy fix but I am wondering if this is an error or was this done by
> design?

Done by design $. "url safe".

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Re: WAUrlEncoder

Philippe Marschall wrote:

> 2008/8/7 Squeaker <[hidden email]>:
>> Greetings,
>> I notice that WAUrlEncoder does not encode $. as %2E.  WAUrlEncoder
>> specifically does not encode $.
>> It is an easy fix but I am wondering if this is an error or was this done by
>> design?
> Done by design $. "url safe".
> Cheers
> Philippe

Some background to my problem:  I am trying to use PayPal and PayPal
wants a url encoded string.  They give an example that shows the url

Unencoded String:   R. H. Moore & Associates

Encoded String  :   R%2E+H%2E+Moore+%26+Associates

You can see that they expect the $. to be encoded as %2E

I can easily work around the problem but I am just wondering what is the
correct interpretation.  To my way of thinking encoding $. to %2E is url
safe, there is no way to misinterpret it.

Is PayPal right or wrong in how they expect an encoded url?


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Re: Re: WAUrlEncoder

Randal L. Schwartz
>>>>> "Squeaker" == Squeaker  <[hidden email]> writes:

Squeaker> Is PayPal right or wrong in how they expect an encoded url?

It might just be the author of that example.

I'm pretty sure PayPal is using standard URL libraries on their side,
which should have been hammered to death over the years for RFC compliance
by the hundreds of diverse applications written against them.  You should
be able to be RFC-compliant on your side, and everything should work.
If not, get them on the horn and say "hey, period doesn't need
to be escaped.  So saith the holy testaments."  I'm sure they'll want
to fix it if it is broken... it's in their best interest.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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