WS crash: Complex type: {detail} is missing mandatory node: <body>

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WS crash: Complex type: {detail} is missing mandatory node: <body>

Philippe Demaecker

Hello list,


I’m running into a crash running a web service at a customer in vw 7.7.


Our application acts as a client, the other company’s application acts as a server.


To reproduce this crash I have set up a mock service acting as a server, which returns following SOAP when invoking a request “getCutlist” (this is the SOAP I get as result from our customer’s service):


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">






            <ns1:EssenceAccessException xmlns:ns1="">


               <msg>java.util.NoSuchElementException: There is no CutList with ID=11291</msg>








To simulate the “getCutlist” request I set up a client in VisualWorks 7.7:


1.       In a vanilla 7.7 image, load parcel Web Services/WSDLWizard.

2.       Generate WS client classes using the Web Services Wizard and enclosed WSDL (no server, no services classes)

3.       Start the client:


"Start the client"

client := CutlistControlClient new.

client start.


4.       Do request:


"Services invocation"     

[value := client getCutlist: ‘1’]

on: EssenceAccessException

       do: [ :exception | Dialog warn: exception errorString ].


I then get the following UHE while unmarshalling (full stack enclosed):

Unhandled exception: Complex type: {detail} is missing mandatory node: <body>


optimized [] in Opentalk.RemoteRequest>>waitForReply:



When I change the namespace of the SOAP response to something else, the request does not crash and correctly throws a SOAPFault.

E.g. <ns1:EssenceAccessException xmlns:ns1="XXX">


Is this a bug or am I missing something?


I’d appreciate any insights.







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CutlistControlService2.wsdl (4K) Download Attachment
Crash report.txt (158K) Download Attachment