Want to run C code in Pharo using UFFI

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Want to run C code in Pharo using UFFI

Hello There
i am new to Pharo, so as i learn UFFI can handle c code, but i want to know
that, how to run below attached code using UFFI.


int main( void ) {

  int result ;
  return 0;

So if anyone have idea please share with me. It will be a great help to me.

Thanks for your kind help

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Re: Want to run C code in Pharo using UFFI

Hi, as far as I know UFFI can call DLLs, that means that your code should be compiled and linked into a DLL. So maybe the line to pursue is to look for a C interpreter (like in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/584714/is-there-an-interpreter-for-c) and call it via UFFI.

Best wishes,

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Re: Want to run C code in Pharo using UFFI

that means i need to create a ddl file and copy that file to pharo folder
than try to run the command directly using UFFI like

is it what u are trying to say @TOMAZ

Thanks by

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Re: Want to run C code in Pharo using UFFI

OK - maybe I misunderstood your original question - the purpose of UFFI is to call functions in DLLs outside Pharo, so yes, if you would like to call that kind of function, you have to build a DLL. The usage of UFFI is well described in its booklet: https://books.pharo.org/booklet-uffi/.

Best wishes

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Re: Want to run C code in Pharo using UFFI

Rob van Lopik
In reply to this post by shawon58
You may want to have a look at:

rob van lopik
