Wanted: Screen snapshots of Smalltalk applications

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Wanted: Screen snapshots of Smalltalk applications

I'm working with the Smalltalk Industry Council to add content to the
Smalltalk Central web site (www.smalltalk-central.com).  I'm planning to
make a series of Flash videos that explain Smalltalk to newcomers. In
the first video, I would like to show how Smalltalk is used in the
industry. Many people have the impression that Smalltalk is only an
academic language or that it died out years ago and isn't used for real

I plan to show screenshots of up to 15 or 20 applications for about 10
seconds with a short voice-over to explain what the application does.

For example,

    "Bottom Feeder is a popular multi-platform news aggregator client
written in VisualWorks Smalltalk."

If you would like to submit screen shapshots of your application to
include in this video, I would appreciate your input.


David Buck [|]
Simberon Inc.

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Re: Wanted: Screen snapshots of Smalltalk applications

Sebastián Sastre
Until what date we can send you material? Thanks, Sebastian

David Buck escreveu:

> I'm working with the Smalltalk Industry Council to add content to the
> Smalltalk Central web site (www.smalltalk-central.com).  I'm planning to
> make a series of Flash videos that explain Smalltalk to newcomers. In
> the first video, I would like to show how Smalltalk is used in the
> industry. Many people have the impression that Smalltalk is only an
> academic language or that it died out years ago and isn't used for real
> applications.
> I plan to show screenshots of up to 15 or 20 applications for about 10
> seconds with a short voice-over to explain what the application does.
> For example,
>     "Bottom Feeder is a popular multi-platform news aggregator client
> written in VisualWorks Smalltalk."
> If you would like to submit screen shapshots of your application to
> include in this video, I would appreciate your input.
> Thanks,
> David Buck [|]
> Simberon Inc.
> www.simberon.com