Problem: Scanning a bi-fold pamphlet produced a PDF with two non-contiguous pages per scanned image. After converting each page of the PDF into a png, compare the following approaches to split them in half:
Assembler... I mean Write-Only... I mean Shell Solution [1]:
if [ ! -e even-odd ]; then mkdir even-odd; fi
first="`ls -1 *.jpg | head -n1`"
let "halfwidth=`gm identify -format '%w \n' $first`/2"
width="`gm identify -format '%w \n' $first`"
height="`gm identify -format '%h \n' $first`"
for FILE in *.jpg ; do convert -crop "$halfwidth"x"$height"+0+0 "$FILE" "$FILE-A.jpg" ; mv `ls *.jpg | grep A` even-odd ; convert -crop "$width"x"$height"+"$halfwidth"+0 "$FILE" "$FILE-B.jpg" && mv `ls *.jpg | grep B` even-odd
done ;
Smalltalk solution:
imageFiles do: [ :file |
self currentFile: file.
self splitCurrentImage.
index := self index + 1 ].
self index odd
ifTrue: [ self rightFirstSplitCurrentImage ]
ifFalse: [ self leftFirstSplitCurrentImage ]
One fun change was:
width="`gm identify -format '%w \n' $first`"
which became:
imageForm width "oh yeah, we can treat the image as a real object and just ask it what its width is!"