Will the new NG be available from news.newcastle.ca? I've found that I can
get comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin through my ISP's news server, but the volume
of news they take is such that messages don't survive for more than a few
days before the message body is no longer available from the server.
"Andy Bower" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> Folks,
> Seems like the group has been created after an inordinately long delay :-)
> I suggest we move over from the private group as and when people find they
> have access here. I don't know of a way to mirror the two groups so I'd
> suggest that if you have access to c.l.s.d (and you must have to be
> this) then post here. Others can continue to post to the private group for
> the time being. I don't see any need to duplicate threads on both groups.
> Object Arts will continue to monitor both groups for the time being.