Magnitude weakSubclass: #WeakKeyAssociation
instanceVariableNames: 'value'
classVariableNames: ''
category: 'Collections-Support'
weakSubclass: ...
On 06 Sep 2014, at 16:47, Ben Coman <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> I'd like to learn a bit more about the implementation of Weak objects. For example, I see...
> Magnitude>LookupKey>Associaton >> key: aKey value: anObject
> key := aKey.
> value := anObject
> Magnitude>LookupKey>WeakValueAssociaton >> key: aKey value: anObject
> key := aKey.
> self value: anObject
> Magnitude>LookupKey>WeakValueAssociaton >> value: anObject
> self at: 1 put: anObject
> Magnitude>WeakKeyAssociation >> key: aKey value: anObject
> self basicAt: 1 put: aKey.
> value := anObject
> The class definitions don't look any different to normal? I can see that the weak classes are doing an #at:put: for their respective weak attribute, but lots of non-weak classes also use that.
> So what is it that makes WeakValueAssociaton & WeakKeyAssociation weak ?
> cheers -ben