Web frameworks in GNU Smalltalk [Fwd: Re: Modules status]

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Web frameworks in GNU Smalltalk [Fwd: Re: Modules status]

Janko Mivšek
This is interesting for us too - Paolo Bonzini, a guy behind GST about
importance of web frameworks in GST, in no particular order:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] Re: Modules status
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 14:55:01 +0100
From: Paolo Bonzini <[hidden email]>
To: Esteban A. Maringolo <[hidden email]>
CC: GNU Smalltalk <[hidden email]>

> What are current status of base "frameworks"/"libraries" for
> developing web apps or the recommended web-app "stack"?.

Right now there is a single web server package which is based on
WikiWorks+STT (though some parts went through pretty heavy refactorings).

The most important things to port should be Seaside, AidaWeb, Swazoo,
Magritte in no particular order.  Each should be relatively easy,
especially if they have a testsuite.

Implementing FastCGI probably would be a nice idea, but it's not
necessary.  It's also possible (and more secure) to use Apache as a
proxy and run the GNU Smalltalk web server on a firewalled port.  I did
so when I ran a Smallwiki-based site at work (under VisualWorks).

Note that while I tried to torture GNU Smalltalk's GC quite a bit, and a
lot of bugs surfaced during 3.0 development, there are probably some
very rare bugs left.  Unfortunately this kind of heisenbug is impossible
to discover except if you're very (un)lucky.  The failures reported by
Jochen Schmitt and Benedikt Rosenau are probably in this camp.  So I
would use a database as a back end, and not the image.  Glorp is ported
to MySQL and works.

> It would be great to have a mod_smalltalk Apache module, I'm a former
> Perl developer, so text based development doesn't scare me, and DBI
> like approach of DB connectivity for GST makes me feel at home again
> :-)

Thank the author, Mike Anderson, for that!


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Janko Mivšek
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