I had a look at your site:
http://www.swazoo.org/You list OpenSkills as users of Swazoo.
You see, this is exactly how people were getting confused. The strong
implication is that OpenSkills uses Swazoo 1.x as our web serving
software and that has never been true, no matter how you look at it.
Even if you adopt Hyper (and I hope you do), we *still* don't use the
Swazoo resource management code, so it still would be misleading to list
OpenSkills as a user of Swazoo as such.
Janko, could you please remove OpenSkills from the page?
BTW, OpenSkills is a trade mark. If you do use OpenSkills in future,
please note that OpenSkills is a trade mark of Bruce Badger. Sorry to
sound heavy about that but I am compelled to make this point or else I
could lose the trade mark.
Make the most of your skills - with OpenSkills